Wednesday 11 January 2017

Forex Ebay

SBI. Erfolg. Echt. Einfach. Bauen Sie Ihr Unternehmen Heute kann jeder eine professionell aussehende Website. Riesige Unternehmen wie Wix verbringen eine Tonne, damit Sie glauben, Ihre Website oder Blog ist Ihr Geschäft. Sein nicht - nicht sogar nah. Der Fehler die meisten Menschen machen, glaubt, dass die Website oder Blog ist das Geschäft. Erstellen Sie Ihre Website oder Blog ist der einfache Teil. Die harten Teile sind 1) die Planung 2) die Verkehrs-Gebäude und 3) die Monetisierung (Umwandlung Ihrer Besucher in Einkommen). 99 der E-Unternehmen scheitern an den kritischen Teilen. Wenn Sie bei denen scheitern, schlägt Ihre Website oder Blog. Wenn Sie sie gut ausführen, gedeiht Ihr Online-Geschäft. Einkommen und Eigenkapital Verwenden Sie das einzige All-in-1-Produkt, das Ihnen alles zur Verfügung stellt, um E-Unternehmen aufzubauen, die BOTH langfristig wachsende Gewinne und einen hohen intrinsischen Wert generieren (d. H. Eigenkapital). WICHTIG Jedes Online-Unternehmen, das Sie schriftlich schreiben muss, ist wie ein Job. Wenn Sie aufhören, so auch das Einkommen. Aber ein Geschäft, das richtig gebaut ist, kann für eine endgültige große Auszahlung verkauft werden - das ist Eigenkapital. SBI-Mitglieder bauen Unternehmen mit BOTH. SBI-Mitglieder gelingt es zu unerreichten Raten und Einkommensniveaus. Die meisten solopreneurs scheitern. Ein begeisterter Beginn endet als eine verwirrende Enttäuschung. Schlimmer noch, die meisten nie herausfinden, warum. SBI stellt sicher, dass Sie die Grundlagen richtig, dass Sie Dinge in der richtigen Reihenfolge zu tun, dass Sie auf der Strecke bleiben, nicht durch schlechte Informationen getäuscht. Zusamenfassend. SBI verdichtet überwältigende Komplexität in ein System, das funktioniert. Es eliminiert, warum die meisten solopreneurs ausfallen. Nicht ein Website-Builder - Es ist ein Web-Business-Builder Aufbau einer Website korrekt ist nur ein Schritt von 10 in SBIs umfassenden, biz-building-Prozess. SBI führt Sie methodisch durch jeden Teil des Aufbaus eines Unternehmens. Von Anfang an (Bewerten, Kommissionieren und Verfeinern Ihres Geschäftskonzeptes) bis zum Ende (wachsend das größte und stabilste Einkommen möglich). Selbst ein fester Prozess reicht nicht aus. Sie benötigen die richtigen Werkzeuge für kritische Business Building Schritte. Die meisten brauchen auch Unterstützung durch eine Gemeinschaft, die Pflege, wo jeder arbeitet aus dem gleichen Spielbuch, will helfen und wo niemand versucht, Ihnen etwas zu verkaufen. SBI enthält alles, was Sie brauchen, um erfolgreich zu sein. Schritt-für-Schritt-Video und schriftliche Leitfäden helfen Ihnen jeden Schritt des Weges, führen Sie durch die effektivste Online-Business-Building-Prozess verfügbar überall. Alle Werkzeuge, die Sie benötigen, um Ihr zunehmend profitables E-Geschäft zu wachsen. Von der Nischenforschung zum Sitebuilding zur Monetarisierungsplanung, hat SBI Sie bedeckt. SBI hält Sie up-to-date (so dass Sie nicht haben, um niedrige-Ertragszeit tun es). Ob seine wichtigsten neuen Entwicklungen oder die seltene goldene Nugget aus Hunderten von E-Business-Quellen, die wir verfolgen, weve haben Ihren Rücken. Software Updates und Ergänzungen sind kostenlos und automatisch, auch 24x7 SiteSell Support ist immer an Ihren Fingerspitzen (Chat auch). Und erhalten Sie den Aufbau von Business-Unterstützung bei der fast legendären Hilfe und geholfen SBI-Foren, unsere Gemeinschaft von gleichgesinnten solopreneurs, die Pflege. Ein schönes Forum Bonus - niemand versucht, Sie verkaufen eine Sache Kein Plug-Ins oder Vorlagen zu kaufen. Keine anderen Leistungsstufen. Alles ist im SBI enthalten. WordPress-Benutzer JETZT können Sie es mit WP x2705 Das ultimative Content Management System und die unmatchable Business-Building-System sind endlich zusammen. Wenn Sie WordPress verwenden und schon alles über SBI wissen, klicken Sie hier für SBI für WordPress. Lesen Sie weiter, um SBIs bewährte Business-Building-Fähigkeiten zu verstehen. Starten Sie einfach ein Web-Business x1F3A5 Nehmen Sie die Video-Tour. Von der Idee zum Geschäft Youll sehen, wie SBI den Unterschied bildet. Tun mehr als lernen, wie. Machen Sie mehr als nur Aufstellen noch eine andere Website oder Blog, die dort sitzt. Der richtige Prozess, die richtigen Werkzeuge, die alle Barrieren und Geheimnisse entfernen, richtig zum richtigen Zeitpunkt angewendet. Das ist, wie Sie ein Online-Geschäft mit steigenden langfristigen Gewinnen wachsen. So funktioniert SBI. Um es in Aktion zu sehen, nehmen Sie die 30-minütige Video-Tour. Es erklärt alles. Sie verstehen, wie und warum SBI liefert, was es verspricht. Ihre beste Chance auf E-Business-Erfolg. Völlig garantiert für 90 Tage. Start heute risikofrei. Seit 20 Jahren hat sich SBI als das effektivste Web-Business-Building-System erwiesen. Einzigartige Beratung und Unterstützung, überlegene Methodik, immer auf dem Laufenden. Dont einfach nur eine schöne Website. Wachsen Sie ein blühendes Geschäft. Fragen Rufen Sie uns gebührenfrei an - 1-888-987-3669. Oder klicken Sie hier, um eine E-Mail zu senden. SBI ist all das und mehr für diese Menschen. Jeder SBI-Besitzer unten hat lebensverändernde Ziele erreicht. Klicken Sie auf jedermann zu verstehen, wie sie es getan hat, und wie SBI können Sie das gleiche tun, auch wenn die Idee des Wachstums eines Online-Geschäft ist völlig neu für Sie. Elad B Fiona Kristall Ashley Patty Steve Elads Geschichte: Elad beenden die Seele zerstörende Kabine, um ein Leben der selbst erfüllten Befreiung zu führen. Mit mehr als 2 Millionen Besuchern pro Monat hat Elad die Zeit und das Geld, um die Welt zu bereisen, professionellen Fußball zu spielen und die Familie zu wachsen, wenn er und seine Schwester nicht das Geschäft wachsen. Bs-Geschichte: B wandte ihre verrückte Idee über eine Website für das australische Outback zu einem E-Business, das es ihr erlaubt, glücklich selbständig zu werden. Sie schreibt darüber, was sie liebt, und ist frei, die Welt mit ihrem Laptop zu durchstreifen. In Bs Worten. Freiheit ist etwas, das nicht bezahlt werden kann. Fionas Geschichte: Wie zwei Schotten, Fiona und Jim, enden in der warmen, sonnenverwöhnten Toskana, hobnobbing mit Hollywood Produzenten und Besuch Salvatore Ferragamo SBI. So geht das. Wie dieser Mann und Frau Team sagen möchte. Träume werden wahr, wenn du es wagst. Und wenn Sie arbeiten, um sie zu verwirklichen. Crystals Story: Crystal, ein Nicht-Tech, macht ihre Leidenschaft für das Kochen zu einem erfolgreichen Online-Geschäft. Alles begann mit einigen E-Mails an Freunde über einfache Abendessen Ideen. Jetzt diese Arbeit-zu Hause Mutter mit vier Teenager-Kinder alle im Sport, liebt, wie sie arbeiten kann, wann und wo immer sie will. Richards Story: Ein Offline-Unternehmer, Richard ist mit seinem SBI-Website, um Umsatz aus dieser Welt zu fahren. Richards Produktentwicklung ging vom Stadtmüll in Ottawa, Kanada zu einem Lizenzgeschäft, das seinen einzigartigen, patentierten Zaunpfostenstabilisator für hölzerne Plattformen während der Speicher in den Vereinigten Staaten verteilt. Sein Thema-basierte Content-Website erlaubte ihm, wie Richard sagt, um den Markt zu säen, beweisen das Konzept und schaffen unglaubliche Summen unter der Öffentlichkeit, die jetzt gehen in Läden fordern das Produkt. Ashleys Story: Ashleys Leidenschaft für Vintage Comic-Bücher hat ihn zum Superheld für Menschen, die versuchen, den Wert ihrer Sammlung zu beurteilen, oder versuchen, es zu einem fairen Preis zu verkaufen. Nur vier Jahre in seinem Geschäft, dreht er sich über Hunderttausende von Dollar Kauf und Verkauf von Comics, verdient eine beachtliche Provision von eBays-Partner-Netzwerk, und hat gerade den Vertrag für seine erste Büroräume Pattys Story unterzeichnet: Patty wusste nichts über die online Welt, außer, wie man E-Mails zu überprüfen und Google-Suchanfragen, wenn sie ihre Website gestartet. Vier Jahre später hatte sie eine wachsende Coaching-Geschäft und mehrere sekundäre Einkommensströme, darunter ihre eigenen E-Bücher mit verschiedenen veganen Koch-Tipps und Techniken gefüllt, und ein Gewichtsverlust E-Kurs. Zwei Jahre später trat ihr Ehemann Jeff ihr bei der Durchführung ihres Dienstleistungsgeschäfts bei, das nun ihre Haupteinnahmequelle ist. Das beste Teil Es erlaubt ihnen, zusammen zu reisen, während Geld zu verdienen. Steve Story: Steve und sein Freund hatten nichts zu verlieren. Sie waren beide nach dem Börsencrash entlassen worden. Sie hatten kein Kapital, außer ihrer eigenen Zeit und schwitzten Gerechtigkeit. So rollten sie ihre Ärmel hoch und begannen, ihre beiden SBI-Geschäfte für Zellenturm-Vermieter aufzubauen. Im Jahr 2010 - nur zwei Jahre später - wurden sie in der New York Times. Etwas später, wie Steve es formuliert: Die Dinge gingen gerade gangbusters. Jetzt sind sie auf dem richtigen Weg, um ihre ersten 7-Zahl jährlichen Einkommen zu erreichen. Was gemeinsame Thread verbindet diese solopreneurs (abgesehen von ihrem Erfolg) Sie kamen zu SBI mit 3 einfachen Qualitäten, die wir BAM nennen. B Regen: weiß viel über eine Nische (keine Notwendigkeit, brainy) A ttitude: positiv, optimistisch M otivation: hohes Maß an Entschlossenheit. NONE erwartet, dass es EASY. SBIers Covered by Major Media Der einfache Mythos SBI ermöglicht Ihnen, profitable Online-Geschäfte zu bauen, mit einem einzigartig hohen Prozentsatz des Erfolgs. Unsere Erfolgsbilanz ist ein Quantensprung besser als wer am zweitbesten ist. Wir haben 20 Jahre Erfahrung mit Solopreneurs, länger als jedes andere Unternehmen. Weve gesehen schnelle und einfache Techniken kommen und gehen. Sie tun immer GO, durch neue, falsche Versprechen ersetzt werden. Vor kurzem jedoch sind einige der größten Hosting-Sitebuilding-Unternehmen Werbung, wie einfach es ist. Leider schneidet es einfach nicht. Vertrauen Sie uns, wenn wir sagen, es ist nicht einfach. Es braucht Arbeit, um geschäftlichen Erfolg zu erzielen. Wir können (und tun) es vereinfachen. ja. Wir machen es DO-fähig. ja . Wie Wir brechen es alle in Best-Practice, immer up-to-date, optimal geordnet Schritte. Sie folgen diesen Schritten. Es klappt. Aber kann SBI machen biz-Gebäude einfach NO ONE kann - wenn es einfach wäre, wed alle reich sein. X1F4B0 Auto-Updating x1F449 100 FOKUS, 0 FOMO Unser Flaggschiff-Produkt, SBI (Solo Build It), bietet die genaue, Schritt-für-Schritt immer up-to-date-Prozess, der Ihnen ermöglicht, erfolgreich zu sein, sowie die Werkzeuge, die Sie benötigen . Und Anleitung, wenn Sie es brauchen. Der Prozess. Genannt C T P M, hat sich über einen Zeitraum von 15 Jahren entwickelt. Es hat jede neue Internet-Entwicklung (zB RSS, Web 2.0user-generierte Inhalte, soziale Medien, mobile, etc.) integriert. SBI hat eine lange Liste der ersten, von Konzepten wie PREselling und Content-Marketing zu Content 2.0 (das erste Produkt online, damit Besucher wie ein Mini-Facebook, außer besser beitragen können). C2 schob Online-Unternehmen auf Höhen nie zuvor möglich. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist die komplette Neugestaltung eines neuen Sitebuilders, BlockBuilder 2 - eine mehrjährige, multi-million Dollar-Entwicklung, so dass SBIers besser auf neue Trends und Anforderungen an den Standortaufbau zurückgreifen können. Ein letztes Beispiel, denn AUTO-Aktualisierung ist ein wichtiger Vorteil von SBI. Als mobil begann, schnell zu wachsen, flogen Theorien über den besten Weg, um eine mobile Version von einer Website zu tun. Viele verschwendete viel Zeit auf komplizierten mobilen Lösungen - sogar völlig getrennte Versionen desselben Standortes. Wir recherchierten und beobachteten, Widerstand gegen den Hype und Dringlichkeit. Als Google angekündigt, dass RESPONSIVE DESIGN war die optimal bevorzugte Art und Weise zu tun, mobile, Debatte beendet. Wir nahmen diese Richtung (siehe rechts), sparen SBIERS Wochen der verschwendete Zeit. Die Aktualisierung ist ein wichtiger Teil der SBIers vor dem Wettbewerb zu halten. Wie wir es tun, variiert. Manchmal führen wir. Manchmal warten wir. So oder so, wir sparen SBIers Zeit. Sie verschwenden nicht ihre Zeit auf. Lesen und Aufrechterhalten neuer Trends und Technologien, die Zeit vergeuden, indem sie die falsche Handlung (zB den Aufbau einer mobilen Version vorzeitig) nehmen. Bekommen conned in unglaublich überzeugend Get Rich Quick-Systeme. Wir könnten so weitermachen, dass es, wie jeder komplexe Organismus in einer sich wandelnden Umgebung, der wunderbar flexible C T P M als ein anpassungsfähiger Ansatz erwiesen hat, der mit jedem größeren evolutionären Wandel stärker wird. Darüber hinaus verfolgen wir Hunderte von Blogs, Newsletter und Social Media, so dass Sie nicht zu versuchen, es alle herauszufinden. Sie erhalten nur die besten Informationen, in das System für den Moment, wenn Sie es brauchen, halten Sie ablenkungsfrei, fokussiert 100 auf BUSINESS. Das Ergebnis Maximaler Geschäftsfortschritt. Wir sparen Sie jede Sekunde möglich. ZEIT ist jedes solopreneurs kostbarstes Kapital, Ihre größte Beschränkung. SBI ermöglicht es Ihnen, alles in das, was zählt die meisten (Ihr Unternehmen) gießen. Nicht in das Lesen zu halten. Nicht nach schlechten Rat. Nicht verschwenden Geld auf schlechte Produkte. Die immergrüne, aber immer weiterentwickelnde, Kombination von Prozess-Tools hält SBI solopreneurs (SBIers) vor der Packung. So dass Sie sich möglichst zeitnah und kostengünstig bewegen können. In einem schnelllebigen Internet, wo Sie nicht leisten können, etwas zu verpassen oder eine falsche Wahl (FOMO), Beseitigung dieser Angst ist riesig. Putting 100 Ihrer Zeit in das Wachstum Ihres Unternehmens, zuversichtlich, dass wir Ihren Rücken haben, ist eines der wichtigsten Dinge, die wir für SBIers tun. Fokus Ihre Zeit auf Ihr Geschäft Schließlich bringt SBI Business-Building-Erfolg zu WordPress Wrapping It Up. Wie wissen Sie, wenn SBI für SIE ist. Wir alle lieben seine einfachen Geschichten. Wir wollen glauben, dass einfacher Erfolg möglich ist. Thats, warum Lotterien so erfolgreich sind - Sie, auch, können Rich Quick schnell. Große Unternehmen jetzt Pitch-glatte Anzeigen auf dem Massenmarkt, Geld zu verdienen online ist einfach. Sie wachsen riesig durch den Verkauf von Träumen - es gibt Millionen von Wix-Sites. Die meisten Menschen sind schnell auf, was ist einfach zu springen. Keine Notwendigkeit, die Opfer, die harte Arbeit erfordert - vor allem, wenn hashtags ihnen sagen ItsThatEasy. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es nur Tausende von SBI. Die Re-Entdeckung, dass Business-Bauen erfordert Arbeit schnell Unkraut aus 99. Heck, die meisten Besucher dieser Web-Seite arent auch mit uns von jetzt, immer noch lesen. Wenn Sie so weit kommen, können Sie perfekt für SBI. X1F44D x1F44D Die unveränderlichen Gesetze des Wirtschaftsstaates, dass es nie so einfach sein, ein profitables Geschäft aufzubauen. Es kann sein, für Fußball-Legenden wie Brett Favre (siehe Video). Es klappt nicht so für den Rest von uns. (Und Favres Website existiert nicht - nur sayin) Auch wenn große Unternehmen behaupten, dass Gebäude profitabel Online-Unternehmen IsThatEasy, ist es nicht. Wenn es war, wed alle so wohlhabend wie Brett Favre Also, wenn Sie glauben, dass der Aufbau eines profitablen Online-Geschäft, eine mit echten Eigenkapital in ihr, kann einfach sein, bitte aufhören zu lesen. Das ist nicht das, was wir anbieten. Nur um das klar zu stellen. SBI hilft Ihnen, profitable Web-Unternehmen zu bauen. NICHT nur Web-Sites oder Blogs (die nur ein Stück der größeren Online-Business-Puzzle sind). Ja, jeder Primas kann heute eine Website aufstellen. Aber eine Website nicht ein Geschäft. Es sitzt einfach da. Es erzeugt kein Einkommen oder Eigenkapital. Es dauert ein Heck von viel mehr zu einem profitablen Online-Geschäft zu bauen. Ein teeny Anteil der Solopreneur-gebaute SITES wird erfolgreich BUSINESSES. Diese Ergebnisse Seite und verschiedene Studien zeigen, dass SBI Unternehmen gelingen 100 Mal häufiger als durchschnittlich, und bei höheren Einkommen. Ja wirklich. 100. Setzen Sie es unverblümt. Seine NICHT so einfach, nicht, wenn es sich um den Aufbau einer Online-Business, die Ihnen Leben verändernden Ziele bringt. Auch wenn wir SBI zu einem All-in-One-Produkt verkürzt und vereinfacht haben, wird der Aufbau eines Unternehmens benötigt. Wenn Sie ernsthaft über den Aufbau eines Online-Geschäft sind, kommen Sie an die richtige Stelle. Es gibt keinen bewährten - besseren Weg, es zu tun. Aber wenn Sie nur eine Website oder ein Blog erstellen möchten. Sie brauchen nicht SBI für das. Jeder kann das tun, mit jedem Produkt. 100 endet mit einer Website, egal wo Sie gehen (egal - Wix, Yola, WordPress, GoDaddy, etc.). Aber eine Website ist nicht mehr ein Online-Geschäft als ein leeres Büro oder Schaufenster ist offline. Theres ein Heck viel mehr Arbeit getan werden. Die großen Unternehmen enthalten nicht die Informationen, Prozess, Tools, Community, die Sie benötigen, um eine Website in ein profitables Geschäft zu konvertieren. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass der Bau einer Website ist nicht-out-of-order. Die richtigen Schritte in der richtigen Reihenfolge werden entweder. Speichern Sie Ihre Geschäftsidee, Verhinderung endgültiger Ausfall, oder. Auf ein Minimum, machen einen wesentlichen Unterschied zu Ihrer Rentabilität. Einige Unternehmen werfen in einige Werkzeuge und Artikel mit ihrem Hosting und Sitebuilding. Es ist nicht das all-in-one, engagiert-to-your-Erfolg, up-to-date Business-Building-System, das Sie brauchen, um ein profitables Web-basiertes Geschäft zu wachsen. Online-Geschäft hat ein offensichtliches Ziel. Nur SBI liefert detaillierte Nachweise für die Lieferung auf dieses Ziel. Isnt das, was seine ganz ungefähr ist Wenn Sie nicht schon die x1F3A5 SBI Video-Tour angesehen haben. Klicken Sie bitte hier. Es erklärt alles, wie SBI Unternehmen baut. Was ist das Besondere an SBIers SBIers sind die Anti - GetRichQuick. Sie wissen, dass der Aufbau einer echten Unternehmen, das dauert, ist nicht über eine Website oder Blog-up, billig-schnell-amp-easy. Es geht auch nicht darum, kurzfristige Dollars mit dem heißen Trend des Tages zu jagen. SBIers sind eine eher Elite-Gruppe, sowohl in Bezug auf das, was es braucht und in den Ergebnissen, die sie erhalten. Sie sind auch flache-nette Leute. Diese Webseite und Seite sind longgggggg. Heck, seine fast ein Test Wenn Sie noch hier mit uns, youll tun großartig mit SBI, weil Sie bereits das Anker-Bein der BAM haben. Was ist BAM Sein ein Akronym für die 3 persönlichen Eigenschaften, die benötigt werden, um jedes mögliches Geschäft zu fahren, um Ihre Lebenziele zu erfüllen. Einige Möchtegern-Solopreneurs denken nicht, dass sie eine bestimmte Nische gut genug kennen, um ein Geschäft um es zu errichten. SBI hat sogar ein Tool für das Es hilft finden und entwickeln Nischen, die perfekt für Sie sind. Ist ein Online-Business-Recht für Sie ist es nicht für jedermann. Es gibt sowohl Vor-und Nachteile, Schmerzen für Gewinn. Es klingt großartig, aber sind Sie bereit, die Opfer, die erforderlich sind, um die Zeit zu finden sehen, wie man ein Online-Geschäft zu starten. Es ist ein ausgewogenes, realistisches, no-Hype-Blick auf das Leben als Solopreneur ist wie. Wir wollen nur, dass Sie ein SBI-Mitglied werden, wenn ihr Recht für Sie. Andernfalls werden Sie nicht zuletzt - was ist der Punkt, dass B regen: Sie wissen viel über eine Nische (keine Notwendigkeit, brainy). A ttitude: positiv, optimistisch, Sie wissen, dass ups folgen downs und umgekehrt M otivation: hohes Maß an Entschlossenheit, in der Lage zu konzentrieren und get it done. BAM allein ist nicht genug - die meisten Leute brauchen SBI, um ihr ganzes Rohpotential freizugeben. Noch ist SBI ausreichend - wenn Sie nicht die Motivation haben, dieses weit zu erhalten, zum Beispiel, sind Sie weniger wahrscheinlich, um mit SBI erfolgreich zu sein. Die Kombination, BAM SBI, ist, was verdientermaßen setzt SBIers auseinander. SBIers konzentrieren sich auf den Aufbau echter Unternehmen. Diejenigen, die immer größere Gewinne und Freiheit für den Rest ihres Lebens zu liefern. Wer sind Sie . Einige sind total Neulinge. Andere sind erfahrene Netto-Marketingspezialisten (die aber noch keinen Erfolg haben - Web-Savviness trägt wenig zum Erfolg bei). Einige starten ein brandneues E-Business. Andere versuchen, eine bestehende zu beheben. Einige sind lokale Unternehmer. Andere gehen global, verkaufen Anzeigen, Dienstleistungen, E-Bücher und sogar ihre eigenen Produkte auf der ganzen Welt. Unabhängig von der Art ihres Geschäfts und des Niveaus der Net-savviness, folgen sie. Sie tun es, ohne Tausende von Dollar auf Add-on-Tools, Must-Have-Abos, Designer, Webmaster und Suchmaschinen-Experten. Sie besitzen ihre Websites, ihre Geschäfte und ihr Leben. Was ist anders bei SBI-Besitzern? SBI-Besitzer wenden BAM an, um intelligenter und härter zu arbeiten, um geschäftlichen Erfolg zu erreichen, der zu sinnvoller persönlicher Freiheit führt. Während in dieser Hinsicht ähnlich, sie sind in vielerlei Hinsicht vielfältig. Geografisch - aus der ganzen Welt Business-Typ - jede Art von Geschäft vertreten ist (Heimat Unternehmen aller Arten, Offline-Dienste, infopreneurs, e-tail, etc. Nischenauswahl - ein Füllhorn von Nischen wird von SBI Eigentümer dominiert Von den Ländern, von den Geschäften und von den Nischen kommen zusammen an den Welten am konstruktivsten kleinen Geschäft Treffpunkt, die privaten SBI Foren, auf dem Platz für freundliche, Erfolg-fokussierte Diskussion unten Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der ich alles jetzt wünsche Wenn Sie die Disziplin der Impulsbefriedigung und die Entschlossenheit haben, wirklich zu bauen, ist es wichtig, dass die SBI - Profitables Online-Geschäft. Geben Sie ins Geschäft mit Augen weit geöffnet 128515. Persönliche Nachricht von Ken Evoy, Gründer von SiteSell Trotz der besten (die einzige) BUSINESS-Gebäude Produkt seiner Art für solopreneurs haben Sie und ich ein Problem haben. Und sein das gleiche Problem. Hier ist es. Obwohl nichts nah an SBIs Rate und Niveau des Erfolgs naht und obwohl es weniger als 1 pro Tag kostet, sind die Wahrscheinlichkeiten, daß Sie irgendwoanders beenden werden. Es gibt sogar einen erstaunlichen Thread in der SBI Foren namens The Long and Winding Road. SBIers erklären, wie es manchmal YEARs genommen hat, um SBI endlich zu versuchen. Heres eine typische SBIer Post. Ich versuchte auch fast alles, was ich zuerst in mich hineingezogen hatte. Was auch immer die heiße, trendy Programm ist zu der Zeit (die eine sehr von Gurus auf einmal empfohlen), die so teuer-es-muss-groß, die so billig-theres-nichts-zu verlieren und sogar ein Irresistible GRQ (wirklich, es klang fantastische x1F622) sitebuilders. Das Einkommen kam nie Rolling in einmal meine Website wurde. WordPress, GoDaddy, Yola, 11, Wix, Sie nennen es gleiche Geschichte. Irgendwie kaufte ich in alle von ihnen. Ich kann es nicht erklären. Alles was ich bekam war verwirrt. Dann kam ich wieder über SBI. Diesmal habe ich verstanden, warum eine Website kein Geschäft ist. Sobald ich SBI gestartet. Es dauerte nur ein paar Tage zu erkennen, dass dies IT Sie können den Unterschied spüren. Seine solide. Es macht Sinn. Ich weiß, was ich tue und warum. Warum hat es mich so lange gedauert, um zu erkennen, dass SiteSell jedes Wort auf seiner Website bedeutete Warum didnt ich 2 und-ein-halbe Jahre sparen und es einfach ausprobieren, wie sie sagen, Keine Ahnung. Aber Im hier nowx1F4AA Es verwendet, um uns Muttern. Es ist schlecht für dich . Am besten verlieren Sie viel Zeit. Im schlimmsten Fall können Sie auf die ganze Idee der Aufbau eines Online-Geschäft. Und seine schlechten für uns aus den gleichen Gründen. Wenn Sie BAM haben, wed lieben, Sie zu sehen gedeihen. Einige finden uns und kaufen in unserer Nachricht sofort. Sie bekommen es, versuchen Sie es und die meisten lieben es. Es ist nicht richtig für jemanden, wir erstatten umgehend. Vor allem aber ist die Kaufdauer immer noch eine sehr lange und kurvenreiche Straße. Ich erkläre hier in der Hoffnung, dass Sie. Stolz, langweilig zu sein Unser Versprechen ist, dass wenn Sie Fokus und Arbeit auf SBI. Ihre Chance (und Ihr Niveau) Erfolg sind weit über alles andere. Langweilig - aber wahr. Inzwischen gibt es 3 Arten von Lärm, die Sie auf diese lange und kurvenreiche Straße zu täuschen. 1) Viele werden getäuscht von Get Rich Quick. Die Verkaufskopie ist teuflisch brillant und überzeugt Sie, dass dies anders ist. Es ist nicht. Sie am Ende enttäuscht, dass seine alle ein Betrug. 2) Eine jüngste Variation verfügt über national beworbenen Produkte, die ihre einfache (zB Wix) versprechen. Das Geld kommt nicht herein. Dieses ist ernster als die GRQ Betreiber, weil große Firmen nie diese Art des Versprechens gebildet haben. Sie sind daher eher auf die ganze Sache aufgeben, bevor sogar versuchen SBI. Neu für WordPress-Benutzer Wir begannen SBI für WordPress aus diesem Grund. WP ist eine ausgezeichnete, vielseitige Sitebuilder-Software. Sie können jetzt SBI mit WordPress zu generieren, die gleiche hohe Erfolgsquoten, die SBI Eigentümer erreichen. Versuchen Sie es kostenlos heute. 3) Viele erhalten vorübergehend Sidetracked durch städtische Mythen über SBI. Andere werden von bösartigen Site Build It Betrug und gefälschte Negativ-Reviews-Kampagnen, die von den skrupellosen mit ihren eigenen Agenden organisiert werden getäuscht. Unsere 20-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte züchtet durch ihre Langlebigkeit, Ideen, die SBI falsch sind. Keine Bösartigkeit beabsichtigt, theyre falsch oder 10 Jahre veraltet. Siehe Urban Mythen. Auf der anderen Seite haben skrupellose Affiliates Treue wegen der höheren Auszahlungen von Web-Hosts geschaltet. Große SBI Bewertungen gedreht mittelmäßig für den Dollar, nicht für Ihr bestes Interesse (). Und traurig, sind einige Leute geradezu bösartig. Wir schützen die Qualität und die Atmosphäre in den Foren. Wir feuern die Leute, die auf Trolling bestehen (Kämpfe verursachen), trotz unserer höflichen Anfragen, gefolgt von Warnungen. Leider, einmal gefeuert, sind diese auch die Art, die in das letzte (böse) Wort bekommen muss. Die Bösewichte haben zusammengebunden, um Lügen und Desinformation online zu verbreiten. Debatte bringt einen Schwarm von Flammen, so dass wir eine offizielle Antwort-Seite. Wir laden sie ein, dort zu antworten. Sie haben sich entschieden, nicht zu. How To Figure It Out Fast Heres, wie Sie die lange und kurvenreiche Straße zu begradigen. Cut To The Chase Nehmen Sie eine einfache, narrensichere, logische Verknüpfung. Wenn Sie bereit sind, um es geschehen, schneiden Sie alle Lärm und Blick auf 2 Fakten. Kein anderes Unternehmen beweist den Erfolg von unerreichten Raten und Erfolgsniveaus. Fragen Sie sich, warum Sie noch nie so einen verifizierbaren, dokumentierten Beweis an anderer Stelle gesehen haben. Es kann nur sein, weil es kein anderes Unternehmen ehrlich tun kann. Das 90-Tage-Geld-zurück-Vertrauen der Erfolgsgarantie. Nutzen Sie es, um Ihren Kauf in eine 90-tägige kostenlose Testversion zu verwandeln. Gebäudeeinkommen und Eigenkapital sind das Ergebnis, das niemand sonst beweist. Die Ergebnisse der kostenlosen Testversion sind Ihre Meinung. Und das ist die einzige Bewertung, die zählt Was ist das Schlimmste, was passieren kann, werden Sie viel lernen, kostenlos. So ignorieren Sie das Rauschen. Einfach loslegen. x1F680 Dig Deeper Kein anderes Unternehmen braucht so viel Zeit, um sein Produkt zu dokumentieren. Graben in unsere Website wird auch sparen Sie Zeit (im Vergleich zu der falschen Wahl), wenn das ist Ihre bevorzugte Route. Verstehen Sie, wie die 1) mächtigen Prozess. Die 2) einzigartig komplette Satz von Werkzeugen. Die 3) Welten beste Reihe von Foren und unsere 4) ständige Aufrechterhaltung-up-to-date (so dass Sie nicht haben), alle Mesh-as-one, um Erfolg zu liefern, dass nichts anderes, kein Produkt oder Unternehmen, auch nähert. Dont miss Schlüssel-Seiten wie diese Erklärung von Content 2.0, die leapfrogs SBI über Blogging hinaus. Nehmen Sie sich 30 Minuten Zeit, um diese Video-Tour zu sehen, die genau zeigt, was SBI macht und wie und warum es funktioniert. Lesen Sie den Rest dieser Seite (unten). Verbrauchen Sie noch mehr Informationen über SBI hier und dann erkunden Sie die Teile der SiteSell Sitemap, die für Sie relevant sind. Es ist viel Forschung. Aber alles, was Sie brauchen, ist auf dieser Seite. Ihr zukünftiges Geschäft ist die geduldige Investition der Zeit wert. Aber ich empfehle, die risikofreie Testversion jetzt. Es bringt Sie begann, während Sie weiter zu entscheiden (hands-on Forschung). Eine letzte Sache. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an einen SiteSell-Berater. Wir wünschen Ihnen den Erfolg, den Sie auf Ihrer Reise verdienen. Ken Evoy Gründer, SiteSell The Bottom Line Sie wirklich so weit, was die Bedeutung der Top 1 SBI-Sites zu arbeiten. Sie gelingen auf hohem Niveau. Top 1 aller Websites im Internet Am wichtigsten ist, werden sie profitabel Unternehmen. UPDATE 2016: Im Laufe der Zeit haben sich die SBI-Websites von Top 3 zu Top 1 zu Top 0.5 der am häufigsten gehandelten Websites verbessert. Allerdings hat eine neue und laufende Studie einen anderen Ansatz als unsere früheren. Wir haben vor kurzem eine komplexe Studie auf der Suche nach High-Traffic Solopreneurs. SBI übertroffen, mit einer Rate, die 100 mal größer als der Durchschnitt. Traurige Schlussfolgerung. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass solopreneurs die Mehrheit der 170 Millionen aktiven Standorte ausmachen, sind die Chancen, einen wahren Erfolg zu erreichen, weit entfernt. Die machen Geldshow zu und sitebuilderhosting Industrien sicherlich mehr Geld als die Dutzende von Millionen von solopreneurs, die versuchen. Da der Verkehr die Wurzel aller Einnahmen ist (versuchen, ohne es zu monetarisieren), ist es aus mehr Grund, warum wir sagen können, dass SBI profitable Geschäfte zu Raten und Erfolgsstufen aufbaut, die weit über alles hinausgehen. Glückliches Fazit. SBI macht Online-Erfolg DO-fähig alles, was Sie brauchen, um erfolgreich zu sein. Nichts weniger tun Es dauert ein ganzes Ensemble, um ein Produkt, das auf der unglaublichen Herausforderung der Ermöglichung solopreneurs liefern kann, um profitable Online-Unternehmen zu bauen. Nur SBI bietet. Ein natürlicher, leistungsfähiger Prozess alle notwendigen Werkzeuge, um den Prozess umfassende Unterstützung und Unterstützung zu unterstützen. 24x7, freundlich und schnell SiteSell Tech Support die unmatchable SBI Foren - wo Tausende von gleichgesinnten und positiven Menschen sammeln, um zu helfen und geholfen werden, die weltweit konstruktivsten kleine Geschäftstreffen Ort konstante Aktualisierung von. Der Prozess (z. B. die Verwendung von visuellen Blockaden, um Ihre sozialen Konten zu monetarisieren, bleiben auf der hohen Rangliste bei Google, wie man persönliche soziale nutzen, um Ihr Geschäft zu wachsen) Was ist neu (wir verfolgen Hunderte von Net marketingsmall e-Biz-Feeds und Newsletter und kochen alle, dass Lärm auf die gelegentliche Taste Nugget Sie benötigen). Nichts bleibt gleich online. SBIs einzigartige C T P M-Prozess entwickelt sich mit dem Web, halten Sie vor der Menge. Häufiges automatisches Upgrade von SBIs und die SBI-Tools (keine eigenen Upgrades, Plugins etc.). Ex. Socialize It - SBI entwickelt sich schrittweise sozialisieren Ihr Unternehmen in einer Weise, die die beste Nutzung Ihrer begrenzten Zeit macht. Richtige Schritte, zur richtigen Zeit. Ex. Priority Build Es lässt Sie sagen, Google, welche Seiten sind wichtiger, von denen sprechen. Klicken Sie hier für weitere Informationen über Brainstorm It v3, kostenlos mit SBI. Ex. Brainstorm It V3 ist das weltweit erste Smart Brainstorming, Nischen-Kommissionierung und Keyword-Recherche-Tool (siehe rechts). Mehr Innovation kommt. Automatisierte intelligente Aufgaben können aufdecken mehr Chancen, dass manuelle Graben in Berge von Daten BI ist im Begriff, Ihre laufenden Partner zu werden, benachrichtigen Sie (über Ihre Wahl von E-Mail, Text, Browser) von Content-Chancen, Monetarisierung Vorschläge, etc. Das Erstaunlichste Teil Ist, dass Sie nicht eine Sache tun. Upgrades, Updates, Verbesserungen. Sie kommen alle zu Ihnen automatisch. Alles zusammen - nichts bricht mit einem Upgrade. Und das alles kostenlos. Nur SBI liefert Prozess, Tools, Updates und Total HelpSupport. Woher wissen Sie, dass es funktioniert Untersuchen Sie die überprüfbare, dokumentierte und objektive Beweis für den Erfolg. Kein anderer Service oder Software beweist Erfolg. Hat Geschäft auf dem Netz ein großes, unschlagbares Geheimnis Viele SBIers begannen mit dem gleichen Gefühl, mit Nullwissen. SBI bricht es, Schritt für Schritt. SBI ist ideal für. Ohne E-Business oder Net-Marketing Erfahrung. Die versierte-aber-noch-zu-folgen. SBI korrigiert schlechte Gewohnheiten und konzentriert sich auf ein Geschäft zu bauen, halten Sie auf dem geraden und schmalen, um ernsthafte, langfristige Ziele. Klick hier. Die SBI Video Tour erklärt alles. Gabeln in den Kopf Viele versierte-aber-noch-to-succeed Vermarkter haben viel gelernt, über mehrere Jahre. Aber fast jeder nimmt mindestens 1 der 4 häufigsten falschen Gabeln auf der Straße, kostet Zeit und Geld (und Kopfschmerzen). Wenn Sie neu im Online-Business-Gebäude sind, kann dieser Abschnitt speichern Sie eine Gabel (oder 2) in den Kopf. Wenn youre ein Veteran, das Lesen dieses kann Ihnen helfen, sie zu vertreiben. SBI vs Everything Else Nehmen Sie einen Moment und Erfahrung Regular Hosting Visualisieren Sie sich an einem unpersönlichen Ort, wo Sie billig Hosting (100 pro Jahr), eine Domain (10 pro Jahr) und Software (ein Sitebuilder oder WordPress), um eine Website oder ein Blog zu bauen . Sie wissen es noch nicht, aber Sie erhalten nicht viele Besucher, weil. Große Schulen wie die University of Arizona bieten SBI. Warum niemand führt Sie durch den richtigen Prozess niemand hilft Ihnen, die Landminen zu vermeiden, und Sie fehlen die richtigen Werkzeuge, um tatsächlich ein Geschäft zu bauen. Behandeln alle Arten von technischen Aspekten finden und bezahlen für Ihre eigenen Business-Gebäude-Software-Tools (welche, wo, wie) herauszufinden, alle widersprüchliche Ratschläge von allen Gurus vermeiden die Sirenenruf der Verkaufsgespräche von so vielen Gurus für eine endlose Zahl der Werkzeuge, einige gut-aber-teuer, die meisten armen, und einige tatsächlich schädliche halten mit allen schnell wandelnden Entwicklungen in der e-Business-Welt. Und das ist nicht die Hälfte davon. Sein kann lähmen. Jetzt nehmen Sie einen Moment und Erfahrung SBI SBI aktiviert und motiviert. Keine Lähmung hier. SBI macht alles für Sie so konzentrieren Sie sich auf was bewegt Sie voran. Aufbau Ihres Unternehmens. Sie sind keine Nummer. Wir kümmern uns um Ihren Erfolg. Ihr Erfolg ist unser Geschäft. Wir pflastern die Straße für Sie und entfernen alle Hindernisse. Folgen Sie einem natürlichen, kraftvollen Prozess. Verwenden Sie die Tools (sie sind alle enthalten), um den Prozess auszuführen. No need to keep up - SBI does it for you Get 24 x 7 help and business-building support, simply the best. Focus on building your e-business. Period. Heres The Whole Story. Stack the odds in your favor Build a business with both substantial income and genuine equity (real value ifwhen you sell your business). SBI is so much more than a Web site or blog. Build more than a site. Heck, build more than a business Build your personal and familys freedom and independence. We know its hard to believe - so many companies OVER-promise. So Just Try It totally risk-free . Youll see that SBI truly OVER-delivers. We guarantee it Click Here To Order and Start Today, Risk-Free. SiteSell Intellectual Rights All SiteSell websites (text, swoosh, graphics, programming and scripting) and products are copyright 1999-2016 SiteSell Inc. SiteSell, SBI for WP, Brainstorm It. Make Your Site Sell. MYSS. Make Your Knowledge Sell MYKS. Make Your Price Sell. MYPS. Make Your Words Sell. MYWS. Site Build It. SBI. SBI 2.0, SBI 3.0, BlockBuilder 2, BB2, Make Your Net Auction Sell. MYNAS. Make Your Content PREsell. MYCPS. Make Your Links Work. MYLW. 5 Pillar Affiliate Program, SiteSell Affiliate Program, SiteSell Professionals, SiteSell Services, SBI Coaching, and SiteSell Education are trademarks or trade names of SiteSell Inc. All rights reserved. SiteSell Privacy Statement We do not share your private personal information (ex. name, email address, street address, and phone number) with any other organizations or individuals. We keep all such information you provide to us, no matter how or why you provide it (ex. becoming an affiliate, ordering our products, etc.) completely confidential, and use it only for the purpose that you intended. Only those employees with relevant business duties (ex. support staff) may access your private personal information, and only to perform their duties. They are subject to dismissal for any privacy violation. We never provide any such information about our subscribers, customers or affiliates to any third party, except in the unusual event should we be required to do so by law. We use third parties like web analytics and advertising companies (e. g. Google Analytics, AdRoll) to measure conversions and collect demographic and interest information. As you browse SiteSell, these third parties may place or recognize cookies on your browser (including through the use of pixel tags and web beacons) to track how you use our website and to provide you advertising based upon your browsing activities and interests. We do not tie the cookie to any personal information that you provide us. Your visit to SiteSell is entirely private and anonymous. If you wish to not have this information used for the purpose of serving you interest-based ads, you may opt out by going to aboutads. infochoices . In addition, you can enable the so-called quotDo Not Trackquot functionality in your browser, which is a standardized way to opt out of tracking by participating analytics services, advertising networks and social platforms. To learn how to enable quotDo Not Trackquot in your browser, please go to donottrack. us . Finally, if you do not wish your data to be collected via Google Analytics, you may use their opt-out tool . Auto-Updating The Internet changes fasssst. Most changes are not relevant to doing business online, but many bloggers are quick to comment and to recommend changes. The noise is intense and it can cost you a lot of mis-spent time, and not just by trying to read it all. You can lose a ton of time when you follow poor or premature recommendations (especially if they turn out to hurt your business). Major new developments We are as proud of being followers (when watchful waiting is the wise course) as we are to be first-to-market when we are 100 sure that something new is both important and will stick (ex. first to update our site-building software to automatically create sitemap files). Well provide a few more examples when you close this message, but the bottom line is this. SBIs driving mission is to enable you to succeed. It starts with the perfect all-in-one processtoolsguidancehelp BUSINESS-building solution. Its effectiveness is multiplied by enabling you to focus 100 of your time on your business, period. In practical terms. Process: You dont have to read the ton of new information on search, social, mobile, etc. We do that. We incorporate both the big changes and the occasional golden nugget, when we know that theyll stick. Tools: You never have to update a plug-in. Software updates just happen and everything works. New tools are added, once again on an as needed basis, at no extra cost, nothing for you to do. Guidance: Forum answers are reviewed. Bad information is red-inked as being advice not to follow. We dont censor opinion, but we do let you know when we believe advice is counter-productive. Well also provide the correct course of action if someone else does not. In short, auto-updating delivers 100 business-focused efficiency . SBI saves you hundreds of hours per year, time that you put into your business Doing it RIGHT and staying FOCUSED is why SBIers succeed way more often than other solopreneurs. Top 1-3 Traffic Building Results SBI sites work. They succeed. Top 1 to Top 3. They become profitable businesses. 1,000 randomly selected SBI sites were studied. At the time, there were over 56 million sites on the Web. The total number of active sites (have content, pay for hosting and have their own domains) is now stable at 170 million All statistics are according to Netcraft . a leading Net demographic firm, and according to Alexa . the leading traffic-measurement company. Netcraft tracks the Web hosting industry intensively. Alexa is owned by Amazon and is powered by Microsoft -- it measures traffic popularity based on 10 million surfers. Summary of Results As the years go by, as the number of sites grows (now over 100 million), the natural and powerful process-and-tools of SBI gets stronger. Each time this study is conducted, SBI owners rank higher against other sites despite the increased competition from far more Web sites. Today, a greater percentage than ever of SBI sites make it into the Top 0.5 of all active sites in the world (i. e. Top 1 in 200) In other words, as the Web gets more complex and competitive, SBI enabled solopreneurs, the largest segment of online business, to do significantly better than their online colleagues. IMPORTANT . We are NOT saying that the ONLY way for a solopreneur to succeed is by using SBI. People do succeed without it, obviously. But if you have the right attitude and are determined to succeed, your chances of significant success are much higher with SBI. The SBI Forums SBI owners from a wide variety of countries, businesses and niches come together at the worlds most constructive small business meeting place, the private SBI Forums. Thousands of like-minded and positive people gather to help and be helped at over 60 forums. The forums cover every conceivable business-building subject. No question is too trivial nor too advanced. Someone always answers at this single-best small business resource in the world. No nonsense, no gossip, no flames. Sheer progress. High spirits. The forums truly are. The Place for Friendly, Success-Focused Discussion Online Biz Failing Fix It Or Drop It The statistics on solopreneur success are dismal. SBI increases your chances of success by more than 100-fold The biggest dilemma of the failing solopreneur is figuring out whether to give up or not. No one wants to quit too soon. And no one wants to spend good time after bad. Its a tough problem. Here is the perfect solution. Use SBI. Start from the very beginning of the process. Pretend to start over. Follow our Action Guide and use the tools to the 5th of 10 steps . You will be sure of which road to take. x1F6AB Flawless research with objective tools uncover fundamental errors that are either not fixable, or not worth fixing. This is almost always due to inadequate upfront preparation and research. Start over, this time using SBI. x2705 You find fixable problems with your online business. Work your way through the rest of the Action Guide, making changes as needed. Your fortunes will turn. Bottom Line: If your online business is failing, either close this window and keep reading about SBI. or try SBI now, risk-free (or, if you use WordPress, read more about SBI for WP ). Acronym for FEAR OF MISSING OUT A state of mental or emotional strain caused by the fear of missing out. An omnipresent anxiety brought on by our cognitive ability to recognize potential opportunities. A form of social anxiety - a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity, often aroused by posts seen on social media websites. Frequently Asked Questions How HubPages Works Finding Success on HubPages How do I build readership on HubPages There are three primary means by which most Hubbers build a strong readership on HubPages : They publish in-depth, high quality. search-friendly articles on subjects about which they are particularly knowledgable and passionate They publish these articles regularly They actively engage with the HubPages community by commenting on others work, getting involved in special programs like contests. and sharing their tips and findings in the Forums permalinkHow can I get more traffic from search engines An articles title plays an incredibly important role in determining whether or not that article will rank well (or appear at all) in search engine results. Successful titles. Are short and descriptive (fewer than 65 characters) Mirror common search terms keywords (things people would type into Google when conducting searches on your Hubs subject) Provide information that cannot easily be found elsewhere online (admit it - youre not the only one to publish an apple pie recipe) Are bolstered by content provided by someone who is passionate or knowledgeable about the subject at hand For more detail, stop by our Learning Center guide to crafting successful, search-friendly titles. The quality and informational value of an article will also determine how well it ranks in search engine results. Generally speaking, we recommend composing articles that. Are at least 1150 words long Contain at least three related, high-resolution, properly used and attributed images Contain a custom summary (which can be entered in the HubTool under the title) Are formatted in an attractive manner Are easy to skip around (online readers who arrive at Hubs from search engines tend to have short attention spans) You may also want to consider whether any of these are appropriate for your particular article: A Video Capsule (ideally with a video you made yourself) A Map or Table Capsule A Poll or Quiz Capsule For more information on creating super high quality Hubs, review Elements of a Stellar Hub in the Learning Center. What makes an article good and successful Successful articles are most often written by people who are truly passionate and uniquely knowledgeable about the subjects they address. They are rich, in-depth, and bolstered with useful media, concrete facts, and reader-friendly formatting (which is to say, theyre easy to skip around and it is easy to quickly find important facts). With regard to specific elements, we have found that the most successful articles contain Unique utility (they add something new and valuable to the internet) At least 1150 words A minimum of three properly used and attributed images of high quality A custom summary (that is succinct, alluring, and polished) Attractive formatting (text broken into multiple Text Capsules with descriptive subheadings, lots of attractive, high-quality images and media, etc.) Information that is easy to find and skip around (avoid long sentences, dense paragraphs, and big, uninterrupted blocks of text) For more information on writing successful articles, stop by our Learning Center guide outlining the elements of a Stellar Hub . How can I make money on HubPages By serving ads onto your articles, HubPages gives Hubbers the opportunity to earn from their published work. To earn from your writing, you must first sign up with one (or more) of the affiliate and earnings programs we have available. For more information on signing up for HubPages affiliate and earnings programs, visit the following Learning Center guides: Being set up with HubPages affiliate and earnings programs does not mean that you will be guaranteed earnings. Your income from HubPages is contingent on your success as an author-- specifically your success in driving traffic to your articles. For more advice on creating and cultivating high traffic articles, stop by the following Learning Center guides: In short, to make money, you need to sign up with our affiliate partners while also regularly publishing high quality articles on not-already-extensively-covered subjects about which you are both knowledgeable and passionate. Finally, you must be patient. Most Hubbers, even very talented and active ones, do not see significant earnings (or even make their first payout) for at least six months. HubPages is not a get rich quick scheme, but can certainly pay off for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to create a robust, truly valuable, search-friendly portfolio of articles. How can I build a strong online brand To build a robust online brand, you must go above and beyond basic activities on HubPages. We recommend: Regularly publishing high quality articles Creating a polished, succinct bio that shares the same general messages you present polished bios on your other online profiles (e. g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) Using the same high quality profile image (an attractive photo of you is ideal) on all of your (public) online profiles Establishing a presence on several major social media sites (as a responsible citizen who actively communicates and contributes content of real value) Linking to your other online profiles from your HubPages Profile page How can I improve my HubScore and Hubber Score To improve your HubScores (scores associated with individual articles) and your Hubber Score (the collective score of your entire HubPages profile), we recommend that you: Regularly publish high-quality articles Comment on other articles and help other Hubbers in the Forums Avoid publishing a large number of articles all at once (even if they were just drafted elsewhere ahead of time and are already of high quality) Avoid Following large numbers of Hubbers over a short period of time and following Hubbers of dubious merit. You should only follow people who you have a genuine interest in keeping up with . To learn more about HubScores, visit the following Learning Center guides: Please keep in mind that it is natural for HubScores and Hubber Scores to fluctuate up and down in unpredictable ways. It is best not to put too much emphasis on them. Do not worry when your Hubber Score dips a bit. So long as you are behaving in a reasonable manner within the HubPages community by contributing articles, comments, Questions, Answers, and Forum Discussions of value, your Hubber Score should eventually increase over time. Which subjects are most successful on HubPages While there is no single subject that can guarantee the success of an article, we have found that some of the most successful subjects Hubbers discover and explore share the following common characteristics: The subjects address issues that are not already extensively covered online (e. g. they are guides to constructing tents using found materials in a forest, not apple pie recipes) Searches run on the subject do not yield an adequate answer in any one place (searchers have to piece an answer together from several different websites and searches) The subjects address a relevant and growing interest (hence more and more people will be conducting searches about this subject in the future) The subjects have to do with real-world problems, solutions, and issues they are not fiction, they are not poetry, and they are not political or religious commentary permalinkWhat is the best way for me to promote my articles on social media When it comes to promoting your writing on social media, we recommend only doing so when: You are already an active participant on the social media platform in question (which is to say that you engage in regular dialogue and do more than just share your own work) You honestly believe that those with whom you share one of your articles will be interested in it The articles you share (very, very occasionally) are of high quality (you dont want to ruin your reputation by sharing poor work) The article you are sharing is featured NOTES Be aware that Facebook and other sites cache the state of a URL when it is first shared. You should share an article on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.) or via email only once it has been evaluated by the site QAP and featured. If you share a URL while it is pending evaluation then sites like Facebook cannot view the article and will cache the state of the article when it was shared. You can see the status of all of your articles in My Account . If you would like to check or fix the way a link shows on Facebook you can use the Facebook debugger tool . For more information on successfully promoting your writing on major social media platforms, stop by the following Learning Center guides: Where are the social media sharing buttons HubPages social media buttons are designed to display on the top left of desktop and laptop devices with screens that are at least 1100 pixels wide. NOTE: Since all major mobile web browsers have features that allow the browser to share content, these buttons are not included on mobile devices including Android phones, iPhones, Blackberry, etc. Make sure of the following Your screen is 1100 pixels or wider The web browser is full screen The page zoom level is set to 100 or smaller (CTRL -) You are not using a mobile device like an iPhone or Android device. permalinkWhat does it take to be a successful fiction writer or poet on HubPages HubPages has a robust and talented community of fiction writers and poets. To gain and learn as much from these Hubbers as possible, we recommend: Regularly publishing your own work and taking time to make it polished (edit your work to remove errors) and attractive (consider adding relevant, original, and high-quality images and media) Adding a short, right-floated Text Capsule to the bottom right of your creative writing Hubs letting readers know what your goals are and what sort of feedback youre looking for Leaving honest, insightful comments on others poetry and fiction Hubs Contacting your favorite HubPages poets and fiction writers (through the email option available at the top right of the Fan Mail tab on a Hubbers Profile Page) to ask for advice and feedback permalinkCan I cover more than one subject on my account One of the perks of writing on HubPages (as opposed to publishing on a blog or independent website) is that it is perfectly natural to cover a broad range of subjects. Though many Hubbers choose to specialize in one or more subjects, just as many (if not more) jump all over the place. In short, feel free to write on whatever subject suits your fancy Just be sure that youre genuinely passionate about the subjects you cover if youre writing an article just because you think it will earn you a lot of money, it probably wont get the care and dedication necessary to make it a truly useful (and successful) online resource. What is the proper way to use images on HubPages To ensure that you do not violate copyright law when using others images, we recommend: Using your own images whenever possible Only using others images that (a) you purchased rights to, (b) are in the Public Domain are available under another attribution and royalty-free license, or (c) are given a Creative Commons license that permits commercial use ALWAYS attributing others images (whether legally required, as is the case with almost all Creative Commons-licensed images and many royalty-free stock images, or not) this makes it easy for HubPages staff to verify the you have properly attributed your images for contests and other community programs Including authorowner name, license type, and source in the attribution box of the Photo Capsule (abbreviations are fine) Linking back to the URL at which the image can be found in the URL box of the Photo Capsule How should I attract readers to my articles Once youve published your article you can promote it. Using social bookmarking and networking services, your own blogs, and a variety of other sites can expose your article to a human audience. Attention from people on these sites can help search engines find and index your page more quickly and may help your visibility in search results. Before moving forward we encourage you to review our guides to promoting your articles through the following platforms: We dont recommend spending a lot of time promoting your writing. If you write a great piece of content, hopefully others will link to your site promoting it for you. However, a small amount of promotion at the beginning can help. The main thing to remember when promoting your website is to be a good online citizen. Follow the rules and guidelines of the sites to which you post. Promoting content on sites where you are not an active participant can get you in trouble. Also, if you only share your own work, it will raise red flags. Think about how you would like someone to share their work and go by those guidelines. You may also share your articles with family, friends, and co-workers, but do so with caution. Dont ever have friends or family members click on your ads and dont ever click on your own ads or those of people you know. This will quickly get you banned from Google AdSense and its very difficult to be reinstated. Share your articles in moderation. Hitting a website with too many links to the same domain, or sending out too many emails inviting people to read your writing is considered spamming and can result in being banned from a community or ignored by your friends. A great way to gain readership is to become a strong member of the HubPages Community. Follow other Hubbers and leave insightful comments on their work and they might follow you back and read your work What should I do if an article or my account experiences a sudden drop in traffic Traffic Fluctuations are Normal Traffic fluctuations are a normal occurrence, even if you are getting the majority of your visitors from search engines like Google. For example, summer is usually a time of dipping traffic as many people are on vacation if you write seasonal content, your traffic will increase during different seasons and wane during others. In many cases, traffic fluctuations are normal and shouldnt worry you too much. However, there are instances when a sudden large traffic drop can occur. Below are a few ideas on what you can do if your traffic has a sudden, very large drop. Why Has My Traffic Dropped Unfortunately, Google doesnt give us specific reasons why your traffic may have dropped. We have noticed a few patterns that we can share and have a couple tips for you to try to get that traffic back. Here are a few possible reasons your traffic has dropped: Google made a mistake. If Google made a mistake and you have written useful, quality content, then you can disregard the following reasons and move on to remedying the problem. Even so, we do suggest that you still take another look at your articles with a critical eye. We can all make improvements, and pieces that you have written a long time ago may be the reason for your falling traffic. We recommend going back and taking a hard look at all of your individual articles and making sure that they are up to the current standards and have updated, relevant information on the topic promised by the title. Even the best writers improve over time and articles that were created a few years ago may warrant improvements. Excessive backlinking. If you have used any programs to procure backlinks, you may have been targeted. We have always discouraged this type of backlinking in favor of only organic backlinking. If you write a really useful, informative, andor interesting piece, it will naturally attract backlinks Over-optimization or keyword stuffing. We strongly discourage trying to squeeze in more keywords in an effort to make your content more appealing to search engines. This is very old advice, and nowadays, it will hurt you rather than help you. If you havent made any effort to squeeze in keywords, we still suggest reading your article out loud. The reason for this is many times we dont realize how many times we have put one or two words in our writing, but when we read the article out loud, we can hear the word repeated in an awkward way. You may have inadvertently written a few words too many times. Doorway page articles. Doorway articles are those that are only optimized for a specific keyword and designed to funnel visitors to another website. Heres Googles stance on doorway pages. If your article is solely created for a click through to Amazon or other affiliate offers, Google may see it as a doorway page. Steps to Take if Your Traffic has Dropped Take a good hard look at your content. If your articles exhibit any of the above criteria, revise or unpublish them. A few poorly written articles could be influencing all of your traffic. Many of us have written pieces years ago that are no longer relevant or of high quality. We all grow as writers and our recent writings are probably better than our older writings. If you have keywords that are repeated in your article in a way that sounds stilted or awkward, remove some of the keywords. Make an effort to make your writing sound as natural as possible. We recommend that you continue to write high quality content to help create trust with Google. Most Hubbers that have seen large dips in traffic, whose articles are not keyword-stuffed, gateway pages for Amazon, etc. have eventually seen a traffic recovery. We have seen very few cases of content that is high quality that hasnt done well over time, a few temporary traffic drops notwithstanding. We recommend continuing to write and be a positive part of the HubPages ecosystem. permalinkHow should I be using keywords in my work Once you have chosen something to write about, we recommend considering several different keywords (that is, common words or phrases) people might use when conducting searches on the subject. By considering what words people are using to search for your topic, you will be able to include them in your article, thus making it more likely to show up in search results when people conduct queries using those terms. Heres an example: say you love bitter chocolate and write a great piece on the differences between making bitter chocolate treats with Dutched cocoa and unprocessed cocoa. Though you might initially assume people would be searching for bitter chocolate, it may actually be the case that a lot of people are searching instead for dark chocolate. Dark chocolate and bitter chocolate are pretty much the same thing - you just called it something different - but knowing what most people call something helps, because then you can write something that more people are likely to be searching for. The gist is this: knowing keywords for your subject and including them in your article helps. This is why we so strongly recommend thoroughly researching your title before starting to write. For more on the subject, visit our Learning Center guide to creating a successful, search-friendly title . Remember Not to Go Too Far Though it is helpful, there is always the possibility of misusing keywords, or having too much of a good thing. Here is a quick overview of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to using keywords: Good use of keywords involves using keywords in your title (e. g. Whether to Use Dutched or Unprocessed Cocoa to Make Dark Chocolate Treats) and in your text. When using keywords in your text, only include them where it makes sense - do not force it or interrupt flow. In some cases, people abuse the use of keywords in order to get more traffic than they rightfully deserve. If, for example, one were to include keywords in ones article that have nothing to do with the content, they would be misleading people searching for information on that topic. An example would be including keywords like chocolate gift basket, chocolate hampers and chocolate covered strawberries in an article that is only about discussing the use of Dutched vs. unprocessed cocoa for baking and cooking purposes. Your content is not about chocolate gift baskets, and by stuffing it with keywords that suggest otherwise, the author would be essentially engaging in false advertising. Doing this sort of misleading tagging and keyword stuffing could lead to being moderated. plus it is obnoxious to searchers. Another misuse of keywords involves overusing keywords - even legitimate ones - to such an extent at which they actually interrupt the flow of the article. Repeating keywords so much that they look obviously repetitive, or make your work look spammy, will neutralize the value of your writing, distract readers, and cheapen your content - all of this could hurt its long-term potential for both garnering traffic and earning money. Over-use of keyword-heavy words or phrases may also result in moderation, as it falls under the category of being deceptive to searchers. The Most Important Point Keywords are very important when it comes to being found online, but what matters most is that you offer well-written, original, and useful information. Do feel free to use keywords to ensure that people who are searching for information covered in your article will find it, but do not go overboard. As a general rule of thumb, if you find yourself adding keywords just for the sake of adding keywords, you should probably stop. How can I improve the quality of my article As soon as they are published, articles are submitted to our Quality Assessment Process. which combines both human and algorithmic analyses to determine whether or not a piece will be Featured on the site. A minimum quality rating is required for your article to be Featured, and as each articles quality score has a certain margin of error, we recommend playing it safe and publishing articles that are certain to be Featured. To do so, visit the rating scale utilized by our quality raters and try to create content that meets the criteria associated with content that would get a rating of eight and above for substance, organization, and grammar and mechanics. Should your article not be Featured, you can boost its quality (and odds of being Featured) by: Making sure that your title is short and descriptive Presenting information that cannot be found elsewhere online Presenting concrete facts, figures, and data Providing a pleasant reading experience via attractive, easy-to-skip around formatting Utilizing a wide variety of capsules Making an effort to include many high quality images Editing your text (or having someone else edit it) Avoiding spammy elements For more detailed tips on improving your article (plus some before and after examples), visit our Learning Center guide to improving article quality . What is HubPages HubPages is an online community that provides everyday experts like you with the tools to share your knowledge and experiences through in-depth, media-rich articles. We provide you with an innovative platform to share your knowledge in a way that will help you build a readership and earn you money from ads strategically placed on your articles. HubPages is the best place online to express your interests and passions, develop your personal brand, and earn money from your writing. How did HubPages start HubPages was launched in August of 2006. literally off the floor of a garage in Berkeley, California, by 3 guys who love tech, business, and most of all, coffee. Their names are (in no particular order) Paul Edmondson. Paul Deeds and Jay Reitz. This trio had plenty of SEO, business, engineering, and technology expertise and HubPages was the culmination of their newfound goal of creating not only the best place to write online, but the best place to earn money doing it. They would ultimately achieve this goal with the knowledge gained from their past adventures including working together at MongoMusic, a predictive, searchable music platform that was later acquired by Microsoft in 2000. After the acquisition, they continued to work at Microsoft until they decided to launch their own startup together. This small but powerful team then came up with the initial idea for what you now know as HubPages. A lot has happened since HubPages first days in Berkeley. For one, with 30 million unique visitors a month, HubPages is now one of the most trafficked sites on the web today. This is a true testament to the hard work, vision, and initiatives that have been carried out by the initial team at HubPages, as well as the current team that keeps HubPages running on a daily basis. Speaking of new team members, HubPages has grown over the past couple of years. Paul Deeds is still involved on a day-to-day basis as the general manager of HubPages, while Paul Edmondson remains CEO. Jay Reitz has moved on to be part of an exciting new startup, but still helps out from time to time. New additions have since joined the HubPages team, which is now over 20 strong. The general focus for HubPages continues to be the same: to be the best place to write online. To see who is currently a member of the HubPages team, feel free to check out the official team page and for the most current HubPages news be sure to stop by the HubPages Blog for recent updates. What does HubPages offer Many people join HubPages in order to publish written work online, but our site and community also offer much more Articles: Topical articles act as the building blocks of our community. Each article is a one-page topical resource created by a Hubber (our name for writers). Articles are easy to make and can include anything from videos and maps to polls and quizzes. Earnings: HubPages splits revenue with Hubbers on an impressions basis from online advertisements (Google AdSense and HubPages Ad Program). HubPages offers several different ways for you to earn from your content, ranging from contextually-placed ads to Amazon products. We also host contests in which you can win anything from 10 to 500 in cash prizes. HubPages disburses earnings via the HubPages Earnings Program . Community interaction: While many people join HubPages hoping only to make money, even more stay because of the amazing community present on the site. We have an amazing group of supportive, passionate publishers who comment on each others work and offer valuable feedback and encouragement. Educational Resources: Our FAQ. Learning Center. and Forums are great places to learn about online writing. Whether you are just getting started or looking to sharpen already strong online writing skills, we have a guide for you Topical Communities: We have over 6,000 different Topic Communities on HubPages, complete with their own dedicated Forums and Answers pages. Answers: Our Answers feature allows you to ask and answer questions of interest. Forums: With over 6,000 Forums, we offer plenty of places to chat with other Hubbers. Want some feedback on your work Check out the Improving Your Hub Forum permalinkWhere can I find help on HubPages If your question isnt answered in this FAQ, consult our handy Help Wizard or the Learning Center. which should answer most of your questions regarding signing up, publishing your first Hub, getting traffic and making money, and interacting with our community. If you still have questions, feel free to post in the Getting Help for HubPages Forum to get community support quickly. You can also utilize our Help Wizard to find quick answers and get help from staff and Hubbers if youre experiencing technical problems. Well respond as soon as we can. Many Hubbers have also posted advice on publishing in articles of their own. Please note that we do not review these, so if you choose to follow the advice given in them, you do so at your own risk. What is a Hubber A Hubber is our term for HubPages members and users. It refers to anyone engaging with HubPages reading, commenting, asking a question, or writing articles. How do I create an article There are four simple steps. Start: Youll need to create an account (it only takes a minute or two), and click the start a new Hub link in the top right of the header. Define: Pick a title for your article, categorize it, and choose a starting layout from among the options. Create: Insert the content capsules of your choice (text, photo, video, map, table, ratings, comments, etc.) and fill them with whatever you like. Publish. permalinkHow do I delete an article Go to My Account Click the title to of the article to select it. Click the delete button. (3rd from left on the top of the article after edit and stats ) Confirm delete by clicking the OK button . The top of the page will indicate the article was deleted. Click the Done Editing button. After you delete the article it should show a line through the title on your account page. permalinkHow do I choose a title for my latest article Think of each piece as an individual article. What you name it should be germane to the content . We recommend using the main phrase in the title for how a person would search for the information you are providing. For best results, keep the title short and simplemdashsave any clever turn of phrase for the body of your work. Short, simple, to-the-point titles will vastly increase the traffic to your content. Things to consider when picking a title and URL: The URL is created from the title and cannot be changed once the article is created. HubPages URLs must be unique. So if hubpagesautostitle-url already exists, you cannot have a new article hubpagesautostitle-url as it will be a duplicate. There is a warning that displays if you select a URL already in use. Titles can be duplicate, but the URL must be original. Where can I find the short (Hub. me) URL for my article The Hub. me short URL for your articles can be found on the metrics page of each. Go to My Account. Click the title of the article (not the edit button). Click the Stats button at top of the page. Click the Hub Metrics tab. The short URL is displayed in the format hub. melinkhere . What is a capsule When you create a new article, youll be working with capsules mdashthe building blocks of your article. Any kind of content you want to enter into an article requires a capsule. There are Text Capsules, Photo Capsules, Map Capsules, Video Capsules, and more. You can adjust where each capsule appears in your article by using the directional arrow controls in the upper-right corner of each Capsule. How do I add or edit a capsule Start by putting your article into edit mode. Click the edit button at the top. There are two ways to add capsules to an article: By bringing your mouse to the left side of the main body, you will see a blue button pop up. Move the blue button to the place in your article where you want to add content click the button and select the appropriate capsule type only the most popular capsules are available with this method. On the right hand side of the page, youll see a box titled Add More Capsules. These are the capsules you can add. Click on a type of capsule. It will automatically be added to the bottom of the page, where you can edit or move it. permalinkHow do I move a capsule Use the directional arrows on your capsule to move it up, down, or to the right. If you want to quickly reorder your capsules, use the Reorder tab located in the right sidebar (as part of the Hub Control Tabs ) to arrange the capsules accordingly by dragging and dropping with your mouse. You can also make a capsule half-width by double-clicking on it in the Reorder tab. How do I recover saved drafts in the HubTool The HubTool and text capsule have an autosave feature that will save your work every 2 minutes as long as you have a connection to the HubPages servers. It allows you to recover edits that may otherwise be lost. You may need to refresh for your saved draft to show up. How can I embed links in my articles If you want your article to link to other HubPages articles or an external webpage, you have two options: Option 1: Insert a hyperlink directly into text in a Text Capsule: To do this, open the editing window of your Text Capsule. Highlight the portion of your text you would like to turn into a hyperlink. Click on the chain icon. Enter the URL of the webpage or article you would like the text to link to. You also have the option to select one of your own articles, an Amazon product, or someone elses article from one of the available tabs - this saves you the trouble of cutting and pasting the URL from another page into this window. Click insert and the text will be hyperlinked. When you are finished adding links to your text in the Text Capsule, simply click save. Option 2: Use the Links Capsule - this capsule consists only of links and allows you to share a series of titled links in list form: To use the Links Capsule, click on its icon. Click edit on the capsule. Give it an optional subtitle. Add links by cutting and pasting unique URLs into the text bar and clicking ldquoadd link. Every time you select a link, you have the option to edit the linkrsquos URL, title, and description. When you are finished editing, click done. If you want to edit these details at a later time, you can do so by clicking edit. If you want to change the order of your links, drag and drop them with your mouse. When you are finished entering everything, click ldquosave. rdquo permalinkWhy isnt the Need some Goals section showing in the HubTool The Need some Goals box is not displayed in the HubTool for articles categorized as poetry. It also does not show until you have entered at least 50 words in a new article. permalinkWhy is content designated Popular, Best, and Latest Each explanation is based on different factors. Heres the breakout: Popular Popular includes articles, Questions, and Discussions that many people are reading, are high-quality and have received a recent surge in traffic or activity, and therefore may be particularly noteworthy. Content in the Hot listing tends be newer than content in the Best listing. Best Best are generally articles, Questions, and Discussions that have proven themselves with quality over time. Latest This is the most recently published content, and while we have sophisticated filtering systems that exclude certain types of spam and low quality content, is of indeterminate quality. What are HubScore and HubberScore We use HubScore to designate the quality of individual articles, much like Google ranks popular pages. Many factors contribute to our rating scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being our top score. HubberScore, on the other hand, is a collective measure of your contribution to the HubPages community (and therefore takes into account the collective quality and success of your articles as well as your Questions, Answers, forum participation, comments, etc.) To learn more about HubScores, visit the following Learning Center guides: How is HubScore computed HubScore takes into account many factors and will change over time as data continues to stream in. It will also fluctuate quite a bit, seemingly at random, and that is nothing to worry about. The most important HubScore components that you should be concerned with include: The quality of the article - as measured through the Quality Assessment Process. which incorporates human ratings provided through the Hub Hopper The quality of the article as measured through reader consumption of and interaction with the content The reputation of the Hubber - your HubberScore and contribution to the community The response of readers to your article - including comments, clicks, responses to polls, etc. We reserve the right to change the factors used to assess an articles HubScore as we continue to determine the factors that indicate great content. The bottom line is if you write original, useful content, your HubScores will eventually reflect the quality and work youve put into your articles. Please try to avoid getting too hung up on the HubScores of your articles . What are Followers Followers are Hubbers who have chosen to receive regular updates on your HubPages activity, including when you publish new articles. By following someone on HubPages, you receive: The option to get email notifications and updates in the Feed whenever someone you follow publishes a new article, asks a Question, creates a Forum thread, etc. The ability to leave Fan Mail mdasha public endorsement of the Hubber. When you follow another Hubber, you are immediately given the option to leave Fan Mail. Should you choose to leave Fan Mail later, visit the Hubbers Profile. Once youve approved the Fan Mail, it will be displayed on My Profile . You should only follow people who you have a genuine interest in keeping up with. By following a Hubber you are saying that their activity on HubPages is noteworthy or interesting to you. Following excessively or indiscriminately may lower your HubberScore. The Benefits of Having Followers There are definitely some benefits to being followed and following others. First of all, because your followers may receive an email each time you publish a new article, they are more likely to visit your work. Your followers are also more inclined to comment on your articles and may share your content with their friends, which can help you expand your readership even more. Your followers may also be more likely to submit your article to social sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, which could potentially send your traffic through the roof. If you prefer to stand alone and publish articles while keeping your distance from other Hubbers, thatrsquos perfectly welcome That said, following Hubbers who actively interest you and leaving meaningful Fan Mail can help you meet new people, learn from others best practices, and get your name out. Following is an important part of being an active HubPages citizen, and can greatly improve the Hubbing experience. How do I follow a Hubber or specific Topic To follow a Hubber, visit their profile page and click on the Follow button. Be mindful, following people indiscriminately can negatively affect your Hubber Score. To follow a Topic, visit the Topic page and click on the Follow button located at the top of the page. In My Account Following Topics You Follow. you can see which Topics youre following. You can also remove yourself from following a Topic on this page. What is Fan Mail When you follow a new Hubber, its a good idea to let them know exactly why you decided to follow what theyre doing on HubPages. This lets them know a little bit more about who you are and why youre interested in what theyre writing, and can also make their day The best way to tell the Hubbers that youre a fan of what you think of them is by leaving them some Fan Mail, which is a way to leave them a comment on their profile page. You can only leave one piece of Fan Mail for each Hubber, so choose your words carefully. There are two ways to leave Fan Mail: After you follow someone, youll be presented with a window into which you can type and submit your Fan Mail immediately If youre a Fan of a particular Hubber but have not yet sent them some Fan Mail, you can go directly to their profile page, scroll down to the Submit Fan Mail section under the Hubbers favorite topics, and leave them Fan Mail whenever you like permalinkWho owns the content that I post on HubPages The content is entirely yours. We simply provide the technology to support it. You may add a Creative Commons License to your work if you feel its necessary. If someone on HubPages has used your copyrighted content without permission, please file a copyright complaint . What do those little red and blue triangles mean In My Account Hubs Statistics. you might have noticed small red andor blue triangles next to the titles of some of your articles. These mean that traffic to this particular article is trending upwards (red) or downwards (blue). They give you a quick visual indication of how an articles traffic patterns are changing. What is the Feed The Feed shows activity by Hubbers, articles, Topics, Questions, and Forum threads that you follow. You can change your settings to show exactly the types of site actions that you care to track by clicking the filters link located at the top right of the page. If your Feed is empty or you would like to see more HubPages activity, we suggest following Hubbers or Topics that interest you. Some Accolades are displayed in the Feed as a way to signify and recognize specific levels of accomplishment that are achieved by some hard-working Hubbers. Where can I read old Newsletters HubPages Newsletters going back to December 2009 can be viewed in the Newsletter Archive. All the Hubber-to-Hubber interviews from Newsletters are online, and available in the HubPages Newsletter Interview Archive . What are Hub Metrics When you click the stats button in the black box at the top of one of your articles, you can see some additional information on the Hub Metrics tab. Word Count tells you the total number of words included in the Text Capsules and photo captions on that article. Incoming Links measures on a scale of 1 to 5 the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to the article. View Duration measures how long visitors spend reading your article, also on a scale of 1 to 5. First Published is the date you first published this article. This might be useful if you ever have to file a DMCA complaint against a site that has copied your content without permission. Short URL is an abbreviated URL that expands to the full link for those who would like to use it on Twitter or other sites that demand short link URLs. Where can I learn more about the different capsules The easiest way to learn more about each HubTool Capsule is by clicking on the. icon on each capsule when youre in edit mode. Another great resource for finding out more information on the different capsules is the HubPages Learning Center . What is the Hub Hopper The Hub Hopper is tool that allows you to read and provide feedback on a random assortment of articles that have been published recently. Hubbers that regularly hop and rate articles contribute to the HubPages community, by helping to determine which content will be featured prominently across the site, and also by reporting poor or inappropriate articles that dont meet with the conditions of the HubPages Terms of Service . How does the Hub Hopper affect my Hubs Ratings of an article that are submitted through the Hub Hopper get factored into our Quality Assessment Process, which determines whether or not content will be Featured on HubPages (Featured articles are highlighted on Topic Pages and articles, and made available to search engines). Because various people may give very different ratings to the same piece, we assess Hoppers accuracy and correct for their biases. For more information on how we do this, visit our FAQ entry on ensuring the Hub Hopper ratings are accurate . Why does HubPages have a Mechanical Turk App for the Hub Hopper Although ratings through the Hub Hopper play an important role in our Quality Assessment Process, which determines which articles will be showcased on HubPages and made available in search results, we want to be sure that each article gets a sufficient number of ratings. Because we do not receive an adequate number of organic ratings through the Hub Hopper, we created a Mechanical Turk app to ensure that each article gets the attention it deserves. Why is the thumbnail pic not the first image from my article Usually, we use the first image as the thumbnail picture which is displayed next to the articles title. However, an image has to be at least 80 pixels high and 80 pixels wide before it will be used as the thumbnail. If the first image does not meet these requirements, we revert to the second image, and so on. If you have no eligible photos, the thumbnail will automatically be assigned a random image. What are Accolades Accolades are badges that appear on your Profile and Feed that share many different achievements you can reach on HubPages. Some show certain Milestone achievements (threshold figures in parentheses): Hub views for currently published Hubs (1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, 10,000,000, and 100,000,000) Revenue updates from Google, Amazon, and HubPagess Ad and Amazon Programs, can be checked via the links below: Are all of my articles eligible for the HubPages Earnings Program If you join the HubPages Earnings Program, we will review each of your articles for eligibility. If your articles have advertising-appropriate content (that is within the guidelines of HubPages and our ad network partners), then those pieces can run ads from the HubPages Earnings Program. I want to activate the HubPages Earnings Program for my account. Is my personal information secure Your personal information is safe with us. We use bank-level security measures to safeguard your information. Here are some of the practices and technologies we employ to keep your data and account information secure and private: We safeguard our servers in a secure facility protected by biometrics palm scanners and 247 security guards. We use financial industry standard 128-bit SSL encryption to protect all data transferred between us and browsers. This keeps communication between HubPages and you private. We utilize rigorous data security standards. This includes encryption, backups, and safeguarding data. permalinkHow do payments work for the HubPages Earnings Program We provide you with a managed service which includes ad performance reporting and a monthly payment directly via PayPal once youve reached a 50 payout threshold. Earnings from the Ad and Amazon Programs will be added together to help you reach the 50 payout threshold faster. The payment represents your portion of the revenue share associated with the HubPages Earnings Program advertising that has run on your share of impressions on your articles. You can view your HubPages Earnings Program earnings in My Account Earnings Balance History . Payments will be disbursed around the 28th of the month for the previous months earnings. What do the earning dates mean in my HubPages Earnings Program reports HubPages pays out revenue around the 28th of each month for the previous months earnings. Your monthly payment is on a 30-day cycle, meaning each months payout consists of earnings from the previous month. If you earn in a given month, but do not meet the payout limit of 50, that months earnings will roll over and be added to the next months earnings until you do reach the limit, at which point you will be paid the month after you exceeded the limit. Monthly Earnings refers to the amount of revenue you generated for that month, specifically. What does Balance History mean My Account Earnings Balance History is where you can view past earnings on a monthly basis. The Earnings column reflects how much revenue you generated via the HubPages Earnings Program for that particular month. The Payment column reflects how much revenue HubPages paid out to you that month. The Balance column reflects how much unpaid revenue is sitting in your HubPages Earnings Program account. Remember, your balance must reach 50 before the first payout. Please also read about the potential for tax witholding . Where can I check my earnings You can find your HubPages Earnings Program reports in My Account Earnings Earnings Reports . Bitte beachten Sie . because we cannot report Ad Program earnings until we have collected data from all of our advertising partners, there tends to be a 24-hour lag in finalized earnings data. During the week, earnings for the previous day should be finalized by noon Pacific Standard Time. Earnings for the weekend (including Fridays) should be available the following Monday. Until earnings are certified (uncertified earnings have an asterisk next to them), they may be adjusted to correct problems that can arise from ad network reporting problems, or other technical issues. Before sending an email or reporting an issue in the Forums, please double check that the earnings for the date you are looking at are certified and final. I received an email from HubPages telling me my PayPal account has changed. Did HubPages actually change my PayPal account information No. We apologize for the confusion but each first-time association receives this notification. What type of PayPal account do I need to participate in the HubPages Earnings Program A Personal account is all you need. Can I get paid with a method other than PayPal PayPal is the only supported form of payment. Wir bitten um Entschuldigung für die Unannehmlichkeiten. What information is required to open a Personal PayPal account To open a Personal account, you just need to provide your name, address, phone number, and email address. You will need to create a password for your new account and choose 2 security questions. If you forget your password, PayPal will ask you to answer your security questions to log in to your account. After you sign up for an account, you can start receiving money right away. Youll need to add a payment method (like a credit card or bank account) to send money. Please remember that your best resource for PayPal-related inquiries is the PayPal Help Center . Do I have to add funds to my PayPal account to use PayPal No. If you link a bank account to your PayPal account, money is taken directly from your bank account when you make purchases or send money. Please remember that your best resource for PayPal-related inquiries is the PayPal Help Center . What should I do if my PayPal account is locked Can the name on my bank account and PayPal account be different No. The name on your PayPal account should match the name on your bank account. If the name on your bank account differs in any way, check with your bank to make sure that transfers will go through. If they wont, youll need to update the name on your bank account or the name on your PayPal account. To request a name change on your PayPal account, please contact PayPal directly. Please remember that your best resource for PayPal-related inquiries is the PayPal Help Center . How do I contact PayPal if I have a question about my existing account OR creating a new account How can I check whether or not my PayPal account is successfully linked to HubPages You can check (the status of) and edit your PayPal association in My Account Earnings Settings Payment Settings. Why do I have to submit tax information to participate in the HubPages Earnings Program Payments to you for your participation in the HubPages Earnings Program are made by HubPages. Because HubPages is paying you, HubPages is required by the United States Internal Revenue Service to collect tax information from you. I am not a resident of the United States, why do I need to fill out US tax forms for the HubPages Earnings Program As a United States-based company, HubPages is required by the Internal Revenue Service to collect tax information from authors who receive payment from HubPages. This applies to all authors, including those who are based outside of the United States. Can HubPages help me with my tax information Please review the Tax Information section in your HubPages account. HubPages provides a tool to submit tax information electronically. You may also submit tax information in hard copy by fax or mail. Note that it is your responsibility to consult with your tax advisor andor the Internal Revenue Service to confirm the status of your situation and your sole final determination which tax forms and information to submit to HubPages. HubPages cannot assist you with respect to the information you provide on your tax forms. Can I change my tax information Yes. You may submit a new tax form, which will then become the tax information-of-record for your account (presuming the information is not reported as being potentially fraudulent, etc). I cant see my previously entered tax information, why not For security and privacy purposes, we do not display previously entered tax information on the HubPages site. Please contact us if you have any questions about your account. I have more than one HubPages account, do I need to enter tax information separately for each account Yes. If you elect to turn on the HubPages Earnings Program on more than one account, please enter tax information separately for each account. Why is the Individual option not available for Form W8-BEN Given the type of revenue you earn through the HubPages Earnings Program, the Internal Revenue Service Form W8-BEN instructions ask non-U. S. individuals to complete Form 8233 in order to claim a tax treaty exemption from withholding. Will I receive end-of-year tax forms from HubPages No. Beginning in 2013, the IRS requires that payments made via third party network transactions (e. g. PayPal ) be reported on Form 1099-K by the payment settlement entity and are not subject to reporting on Form 1099-MISC. Since PayPal is the only mechanism by which HubPages Earnings Program payments are disbursed, HubPages will not be mailing 1099-MISC forms. As of 2015, PayPal will issue 1099K forms, but only for accounts with 20,000 and 200 payments. My account shows a withholding amount being reduced from my balance, why Based on the tax information you provided andor the tax status of your HubPages Earnings Program account, the Internal Revenue Service may require certain amounts of your balance to be withheld. Unfortunately, HubPages cannot provide guidance or advice with respect to any withholding or the tax information that you have provided. How will the advertising appear on my Hub if I opt-in to the Ad Program In the usual AdSense arrangement, youre given four ad units on both desktop and mobile. If you opt in to the Ad Program, youre given up to eight full-size ad units on desktop and six on mobile. For the desktop ad layout specifically, you will still keep one AdSense ad unit in the footer. You will get paid by Google AdSense directly for that one unit. The Ad Program ad units might be filled with Google AdSense ads, if these ads outperform other ad partners ads, and you will be paid for these via the HubPages Earnings Program. In the graphic below, the blue rectangles represent your direct Google AdSense units, the orange rectangles represent your Ad Program units, and the red rectangles represent additional ads on the AdSense-only layouts where HubPages gets 100 of the earnings. (AdSense regulations only permit you to earn from 4 ads per page, which is why HubPages earns 100 of the revenue from the other 4. Weve kept the same ad layout across all Hubs for consistency but weve given Hubbers the highest-paying ads that fall within AdSenses guidelines on the AdSense-only layout.) Please note that most Hubs will have one of the advertising layouts above. Some Hubs may have less ads depending on their length and Capsule formation . What are the requirements for enrollment in the HubPages Ad Program To join the HubPages Ad Program, visit the sign-up page and follow the step-by-step instructions. You will need: To be enrolled in the HubPages Earnings Program. An approved Google AdSense account. permalinkUpon activating the Ad Program, when will the ads start showing up on my Hubs Upon successfully activating the Ad Program, allow one full hour for advertisements to begin running in the new format. What types of advertisements are considered unacceptable under the HubPages Ad Policy Guidelines The following is a list of some of the types of advertising that HubPages will not accept. These types of ads should never appear on your articles: General: Advertisements that contain fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading statements or illustrations. Attacks of a personal nature. BlinkingJumping Ads: Advertisements that excessively blink or jump around in the ad space to gain attention are not acceptable. Autoplay Audio: Ads with audio must be user initiated on click. Must contain visible stopplay and pause or mute functionality. Discrimination: Advertisements that fail to comply with the express requirements of US federal and state laws. Offensive to Good Taste: Indecent, vulgar, or suggestive. This includes pornography. Gambling: Advertisements promoting wagering sites or gambling. Weapons: Advertisements for firearms and ammunition. Tobacco: Advertisements for cigarettes or other tobacco products. Error Boxes: Advertisements that mimic windows error messages. Pop-Ups and Pop-Unders: Pop-ups generally open new web browser windows to display advertisements. Pop-Unders open a new browser window hidden under the active window. Both of these are violate HubPages ad policy. The only exceptions to this rule are brand study surveys. If you do come across one or more of these types of advertisements while perusing HubPages, please check out the FAQ entry below for instructions on how to to let us know so that we can track down the offending ad and have it removed ASAP. What should I do if I see an advertisement on HubPages that is in violation of HubPages Ad Policy If you come across one or more of these types of advertisements while perusing HubPages, please contact us as soon as possible to let us know. Within your message, please try to include any or all of the following: URL of the exact page where the ad loaded, and the location of the ad on the page Time and day the ad loaded. Please try to grab and save a screenshot of the advertisement. You will not be able to upload along with the Contact Us form, but we may email you asking to see it. At minimum, a written description of what the ad looked like: what category it belongs in, the brand being advertised, etc. permalinkWhy are my Ad Program impressions lower than my article views The reported Ad Program impressions will be lower than your article views. These numbers are not supposed to be the same . In general, for every 1000 Hub views, you should be seeing about 600 Ad Program impressions. This is explained in further detail in our impression sharing program . Ad Program reports are on a calendar day basis, whereas views are based on a moving 24-hour window. However, if you view your report looking at a longer period like month views, these numbers should be fairly close. Some other things to keep in mind: Some of your views could be from people using ad blocking softwareplugins, so in that case, ad impressions will not register. Views that happen in the HubHopper are not considered Ad Program impressions since there are no ads on articles in the HubHopper. Some people might click away from your article before all ads are displayed. Ads are disabled or you have turned ads off on some of your articles. permalinkWhy was I banned from the HubPages Ad Program HubPages is unable to provide our users with any information about their account activity, including any web pages, users, or third-party services that might have been involved. We treat invalid traffic and click activity very seriously, analyzing all clicks and impressions to determine whether they fit a pattern of use that might artificially drive up earnings. As covered in our Terms of Use. HubPages will use its sole discretion when determining instances of invalid traffic activity. What is the Amazon Program and how do I sign up The Amazon Program is a great way to earn from Amazon products displayed on your articles and is an affiliate program offered as a means of earning via the HubPages Earnings Program. the other being the Ad Program. To sign up, please visit My Account Earnings Settings. click on the get started button next to the Amazon Program, and follow the instructions. When participating in the Amazon Program, your earnings reports and payments will be provided by HubPages rather than Amazon. HubPages offers a very high Amazon commission tier because the volume of sales across HubPages is aggregated for the benefit of all participants. The program will track referrals from your Hubs and the resulting purchase activity on Amazon. You will accrue into your HubPages Earnings Program balance from this activity, based on a commission from transactions on Amazon that occur after a referral from your articles. You also have the option to participate in the Amazon Associates Program directly through Amazon. For instructions on how to do that, please visit this Learning Center guide . Who is eligible to participate in the Amazon Program The opportunity is available to all writers on HubPages with at least one published article who participate in the HubPages Earnings Program. Like the Ad Program, an approved Google AdSense account will be required for participation in the HubPages Amazon Program. For a list of requirements by program, please see the chart here . Can I participate in the Amazon Program without joining the HubPages Earnings Program No, you must be enrolled and in good standing with the HubPages Earnings Program in order to participate in the Amazon Program. If you dont want to participate in the Amazon Program offered through HubPages, you can participate in Amazon Associates directly through Amazon. For instructions on how to do that, please visit this Learning Center guide . You can disable the Ad Program component of the HubPages Earnings Program in the event that you would like to run the Amazon Program only. I have multiple HubPages accounts. Do I need to sign-up separately in each account Yes. Each account is treated independently for the purposes of your participation in all available HubPages Earnings Programs. Do I have to fill out any forms with Amazon to participate No. Participation in the Amazon Program does not require a contractual relationship between you and Amazon. Your relationship is with HubPages. Simply sign up for the Amazon Program in My Account Earnings Settings. Your earnings will be tracked and paid to you by HubPages. How are earnings from the Amazon Program calculated The Amazon Program will track product referrals from your articles. You will accrue into your HubPages Earnings Program balance from this activity (via a commission from purchase activity on Amazon based on referrals from your Hubs). HubPages keeps separate track of all HubPages-issued IDs that participate in the Amazon Program under HubPages. Your ID will have its own tracking, which is based on your account activity and is not pooled with other HubPages users. The revenue sharing for the Amazon Program works the same way as with other HEP Programs, by alternating your affiliate ID 60 of the time with HubPages affiliate ID 40 of the time. The Amazon Sales Report will only reflect sales that occurred in your share of impressions. How will the Amazon earnings look in my HubPages Earnings Program reports Amazon earnings will be broken out every day into a separate report. If you participate in more than one component of the HubPages Earnings Program (the Ad Program andor the Amazon Program), your total Program earnings will reflect the amount in aggregate across the three programs. That helps you reach 50 payout more quickly. How can I tell if an item purchased though the HP Amazon earnings program was returned If an item is returned or not shipped it will be reflected as a negative amount in the Amazon earnings report. The information HubPages receive from Amazon for the HubPages Amazon program does not indicate why a product didnt ship or was returned. What reporting is offered There are two reports related to the Amazon Program. One will show earnings data on a daily basis, and the other will list the actual items sold (on your share of impressions only) on a separate page. Please note: because earnings and revenue are both rounded to the nearest cent, the earnings rate column wont match exactly the round numbers in the Amazons published commission tiers. Can I have a separate Amazon Associates account outside of HubPages Yes. If you have a personal Amazon Associates Program ID, you may use that on other sites (per your agreement with Amazon to do so). The Amazon Program under the HubPages Earnings Program only covers the HubPages site. May I use my HubPages-assigned Amazon ID outside of HubPages No. The ID that HubPages assigns to your HubPages Earnings Program account is authorized for use only on HubPages. You are not permitted to use it off of HubPages or to provide it to others as downstream affiliates of you. When Amazon Program participants collectively reach the highest commission tier in a given month, will HubPages apply the highest rate to all products shipped during that month No. Unfortunately because of technical limitations of the Amazon data feed, HubPages will not retroactively apply the highest commission tier to products shipped before the commission tier is reached. We believe that participants in the Amazon Program will collectively reach the highest commission tier within the first couple of weeks of the month, which is much faster than most Hubbers can reach individually. If you are a power Amazon Associates user and reach the highest tier on your own fast enough already, then switching to Amazon Program probably is not the best choice for you. I live in a state that is ineligible to participate in Amazon Associates. Can I participate in the Amazon Program through HubPages It is your responsibility to consult the Amazon Terms of Use to determine whether you are eligible to earn commissions from Amazon products in your state. HubPages cannot assist you with respect to making this determination. Can I purchase Amazon products displayed on my own articles and earn a commission No. Purchasing products using your own links is strictly prohibited and is grounds for expulsion from the Amazon Program as well as forfeiture of your entire HubPages Earnings Program balance. What kind of Questions am I allowed to ask The Answers section of HubPages is intended to inspire high quality articles and give people the option to post short, helpful answers to assist you in creating an article. It is not intended for moderation issues, technical issues, or any other inquiries that require the response of HP staff. Please post these in the Forums or via our Help system. If you want to direct a question at a specific Hubber, please contact that Hubber via hisher Profile page (by sending them an email) and not by posting a Question. To do so, navigate to hisher profile, click on Fan Mail, and then click Send username an email. Questions are public and available for anyone in the HubPages community to comment on. All questions must meet the HubPages Terms of Use. Keep your question short and specific, and use the additional details field to provide more information. Good examples include: When is a good time to visit Vietnam and why What are important things to ask when buying a used guitar We strongly encourage people to ask Questions that: Require a factual Answer with useful information. Have the potential to lead to an interesting, informative Hub. Stray away from opinion and yesno subjects (e. g. Whats your favorite color). If you just want to make friendly conversation, please visit our Community News Forum instead. Please see this FAQ entry for technical problems . If you have questions specifically related to HubPages, please ask it in the Getting Help for HubPages Forum . Can I put links in short answers You may include links to relevant resources in short answers, but affiliate links are strictly prohibited. Short answers containing links to unrelated articles or other sites that are irrelevant to the question at hand may be entirely removed by an administrator, and your account might be subject to a ban. Can I Answer a Question more than once You are only allowed to submit one short Answer to a Question, but you can create as many articles answering a Question as you like. How does the voting on Answers work HubPages members may vote an Answer up or down depending on how well they feel it answers the question. Every Answer starts with a single up vote (by the author of the Answer). The ordering of Answers is determined both by the number of up votes and down votes, but also by the reputations of the users doing the voting. Answers that receive enough down votes will not be displayed on the page, but can still be viewed by clicking a link. Can I receive income from Questions I ask Yes, an author who creates a question in Answers will receive 60 of the impressions for that page as with articles. What are the Forums The Forums are an online meeting place for Hubbers to connect. Hubbers get to know one another, give each other advice, help each other out, and converse about things that interest them. How are the Forums different from Answers and article Comments Forums are primarily focused on discussion between many different people. Heres a short guide to understanding what sort of conversation should be going where: Questionscomments about an article: should go in that articles comments Questions of a non-HubPages, topical nature (where can I buy the cheapest airline tickets, how do I make a peach cobbler): should be asked in the Answers section Questions about HubPages (Im having trouble publishing, How do I sign up for AdSense): check this FAQ first if not there, ask in the Need Help Ask here Forum Notifying staff of a technical or ad problem, or to request a new feature: should be posted in the Technical Problems on HubPages Forum, the Ad Problems on HubPages Forum, or the Report a New HubPages Feature Forum, respectively. Requests for Feedback on your article: should be posted in the Improving Your Hub Forum Discussions of all other sorts: in the various forums, such as Community News, Politics, and Freeform Discussion permalinkWhat are the Forums for We encourage all Hubbers to use the Forums as an open space to: Interact with each other in the spirit of cooperation and fun Ask for and respond to calls for help and assistance with publishing on HubPages Share advice and tips on how to create better articles and how to draw more visitors Come up with ideas to make HubPages work better for everyone Discuss your favorite topics The Forums allow the community to complement each individual Hubbers own talents and interests, to provide a living and growing repository for shared wisdom, mutual support and inspiration. What are the Forum rules We ask that all Hubbers choosing to participate adhere to these guidelines, in order to maintain the kind of resource everyone will love using and feel comfortable participating in: Stick to the Topic . Please stay on the threads topic when replying to an existing thread. If you dont see an open thread about something youd like to discuss, please open a new thread. Respect . Please maintain respect for other Hubbers, even if you dont necessarily agree with them. Keep your language clean and dont make personal attacks. By choosing to be civil, you make the discussion better for everyone involved. Be Helpful and Supportive . Were all here to learn, so please be constructive when providing feedback. Harassing, threatening, or intimidating other Hubbers is against our Terms of Use . Spread the Word . Encourage Hubbers seeking help to visit the Forum to discuss. permalinkWhat are we not allowed to do in the Forums In order to keep the Forums clean, constructive, and fun, we must maintain high standards of conduct. The following are prohibited in the Forums: Promoting your articles or other sites . This includes linking to your own articles or any site that you have a vested interest in promoting. To be on safe side, we recommend that you establish a presence in the HubPages community before you post any links in the Forums. The only Forums youre allowed to post links to an article in are the Improving Your Hub Forum and HubChallenges Forum. Signatures . Please do include a signature with your posts. Attempts to post signatures that include links to your Hubs or another site may result in a permanent account ban. A link to your profile page is included with every post, and you can put information about yourself and a link to a site youd like to promote on your profile page. Making Personal Attacks . Debate and disagreements on points of substance are all right, but personal attacks, petty bickering, extreme profanity, and thread hijacking will be dealt with swiftly. Cross Posting . Please do not post the same message to more than one Forum thread. Multiple Accounts . While we dont prohibit having more than one HubPages account, we ask that you stick to a single persona in the forums. The deceptive use of multiple accounts, especially in a single thread is prohibited. The use of secondary accounts to circumvent a forum ban is also prohibited. Report posts just because you dont like them . Only use the report button on posts you think break the forum rules. permalinkIve been banned from the Forums. What do I do If you attempt to post in the Forums after being banned for a violation, you will see a link to the thread where the violation occurred, and a notification of when your Forum privileges have been scheduled to be reinstated. Each subsequent violation will incur longer ban durations, and eventually your Forum privileges may be permanently revoked. So please familiarize yourself with our rules before posting again. What are HubPages contests and why should I participate in them HubPages contests are a great way to build up your repertoire with the potential for earning a bonus from your content. Periodically, HubPages administers a themed contest for our writers. Participation requires publishing articles that meet the contests specific minimum requirements (as specified in the rules), and submissions have the potential of winning additional money for top-quality pieces. Where can I read about previous contests on HubPages Previous contests and contest winners can be found on our HubPages Contests page. How do I make money from contests Contest participants can make money two ways typically (although the way winners and prizes are given out can vary from contest to contest): through a random daily drawing, and by having an entry selected as a finalist by contest judges. There are many opportunities to make money in the HubPages contests, but each contest is slightly different we recommend reading the contest rules to find out more about contest prizes. Depending on the contest, other prizes may also be awarded. For example, in our HubPatron of the Arts Contest, we awarded a Smashwords Prize which formatted, published, and helped distribute an ebook of the Grand Prize winners work. Am I eligible to participate in a HubPages contests There are usually geographic restrictions: none of our contests are open to residents of Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, Myanmar, Sudan, Puerto Rico, or the Province of Quebec. HubPages contests are void in these countries and in any other jurisdiction where prohibited and restricted by law. There is also an age requirement: you must be at least 18 years old at the time of entry to participate. Any additional rules regarding eligibility are spelled out in detail in each contests official rules, so please be sure to read those carefully before entering. Anyone meeting the geographic criteria is eligible to earn from a contest, but in order to get paid for a contest, you need to be enrolled and in good standing with the HubPages Earnings Program. If you win a contest but have not joined the HubPages Earnings Program, you will get an email reminding you to sign up. How long do contests last, and how often do you have them HubPages contests last between two and four weeks depending on the type of contest. HubPages contests usually occur once a year or so. How do I get paid for any contest prize winnings Contest winners are paid via PayPal andor via the HubPages Earnings Program. which uses PayPal as its method of disbursement. You must live in a country that allows PayPal payments to be received, and it is your responsibility to pay any fees or taxes associated with PayPal earnings. Where can I see my contest earnings If you have earned money from a previous contest on HubPages, you can see your earnings in My Account Earnings Balance History . What is the Quality Assessment Process and how does it work Since the quality of an article is so important to todays online readers, it is important that HubPages maintains a reputation for quality content. The Quality Assessment Process (QAP) is the name of the process we use to determine the general quality level of an article. This assessment is used to determine how and where your content will appear on HubPages. The QAP currently incorporates three unique rating facets. After any article is published, it will be assessed by one or more of the following: Quality assessment ratings provided by people using the Hub Hopper Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms trained to identify content with serious quality issues The articles search traffic over an extended period of time All Hubs will be evaluated by the QAP after they are published. Existing Hubs will be re-evaluated whenever they are edited, but may also be re-evaluated based on random sampling. What are Featured Hubs When our Quality Assessment Process (QAP) identifies articles of particularly good quality, these articles are given a special status on HubPages that we refer to as Featured Hubs. Featured Hubs enjoy the following benefits: They appear on HubPages Topic Pages and in the Related Hubs section of other articles They are presented to external search engines They are included in your public HubPages Profile Articles that have been recently published or updated, but not yet assessed by the QAP, will appear as Pending in My Account Statistics . After being assessed by the QAP (which typically happens within 24 hours) their Pending status will be removed. If they become Featured, they will be identified by a black H symbol in My Account Statistics . Why are only some articles Featured At HubPages, we strive to highlight and promote the great content, so instead of presenting every article on our sites major pages and search engines, we carefully analyze each piece to determine a curated set that we will showcase. The overall quality of content that we highlight on our site and make available to casual searchers is important because we want to create the best possible experience for readers while also giving Hubbers the opportunity to hone their online writing skills in a safe, supportive, and informative environment where their work will be displayed beside other articles that are high quality. Does a articles state affect my ability to file a DMCA complaint No. If your article is not Featured, this in no way affects your copyright or your ability to assert copyright in a DMCA filing. You can verify when it was first published by clicking on stats at the top of your article and then the Hub Metrics tab. How can I ensure my seasonal articles remain Featured during their off season Though high quality seasonal articles often remain Featured year-round, it is possible that an article with very little engagement from readers in the off season will no longer be Featured. To ensure seasonal articles are featured during their peak season, edit them about a month before their peak season arrives. They will be re-evaluated by the Quality Assessment Process and in most cases they will once again be Featured. What does it take for an article to be Featured Once an article has been initially published, the Quality Assessment Process will determine whether it meets: If the article meets these standards and requirements, it will be Featured. The Quality Assessment Process is ongoing and dynamic Featured status may change and is contingent on quality ratings and attention from readers. If one of your Featured Hubs returns to a normal state, consider editing it to catch previously-missed grammar mistakes, adding more media, improving its substance and organization, and inserting additional information. For additional guidance on things you can do to make your articles as good as they can be, have a look at our Learning Center guide on creating Stellar Hubs. Any article you edit will be re-evaluated, and if your changes were enough to improve the overall quality ratings, it will once again be Featured. I edited an article that has been Featured for a while and now it is no longer Featured. What happened Whenever an article is edited we must obtain a new quality assessment of the updated content. There is no guarantee that edits will improve your articles quality, so this new assessment may not result in high enough ratings to make it Featured. If this happens to you, do not worry your efforts to improve your article are not wasted. Try to consider the change in status as a learning opportunity and have another go at editing. Trying several different strategies with your edits may help you identify the most effective type of change to focus on. If you get really stuck, try posting a link to your article in the Improving Your Hub Forum. where other Hubbers are happy to provide feedback and advice. Is it bad if an article is not Featured No. Only highly rated and engaging content will be Featured on HubPages. If your content does not get Featured on HubPages that doesnt necessarily mean it is bad content. Though only Featured Hubs are made available to Google Search and highlighted on Related Hubs and Topic Pages, all articles are accessible to readers via their URLs (which you may share through email or social media), via HubPages internal search, and in the Feeds of your Followers, so regardless of your articles status, you are still very much able to share this work with your friends, followers, colleagues, and family. For many, this is enough. If you would like your article to receive the additional promotion on HubPages that comes with Featured status, we recommend reworking it to improve its quality and make it more alluring to those conducting searches about its subject. How can I be sure that my articles are being rated accurately The Hub Hopper is designed to test and calibrate the accuracy of those using it, so only accurate ratings are given weight. At HubPages Headquarters, a special team, known as the Gold Panel, meets every week to discuss quality standards. They also regularly rate articles using the Hopper, and their ratings are used as a standard to which other Hoppers are held. If three or more Gold Panel hoppers give a article the same rating, that rating becomes a Gold Rating and the Hub becomes a Gold Standard Hub. Those who are new to the Hopper start off by rating Gold Standard Hubs, which gives a good idea of which Hoppers ratings can be trusted. Based on their ratings of Gold Standard Hubs, Hoppers biases are corrected in future ratings. For example, if one Hubber is particularly harsh with her ratings, our system corrects for her harshness. Weighted averages of ratings are collected. Ratings from very accurate people are given more weight while ratings from inaccurate people are given less weight. Ratings from very inaccurate people are ignored altogether. To protect articles against changes in Hopper accuracy, Hoppers are given new Gold Standard Hubs to rate occasionally and their accuracy scores are re-calibrated accordingly. Finally, ratings from the Hub Hopper are not our only means of assessing an articles quality. Articles are also rated via internal, automated systems, and may also be rated by HubPages staff members and casual readers, additionally. What are the attributes of a high quality article The easiest way to discover the rating criteria used in the Hub Hopper is to visit the Hub Hopper and doing some rating yourself. The rating criteria appear in the Hub Hopper interface. Ratings are based on the following criteria: Substance . The presence of high quality, objective, in-depth, relevant content with supportive, high-quality media Organization . Logically-structured and visually-appealing information that is easy to find when scanning the page (e. g. well-formatted text that it is broken into multiple Text Capsules with descriptive subheadings and supplemented by relevant, attractive links and media) Grammar and Mechanics . An absence of deviations from grammatical standards that gives the content credibility and professional polish permalinkHow can I tell if my article is not Featured because of Quality or Traffic reasons In My Account Statistics. you can see which of your articles are not Featured for traffic and which are not Featured for quality. Articles that are not Featured due to insufficient traffic will be identified by a half filled circle icon. Articles that are not Featured because of quality issues will be identified by a white circle icon. I have found a Featured Hub on HubPages that is of lower quality than one of my articles that is not Featured. Why Some high quality articles are not Featured because they dont have sufficient search traffic. Should one of your articles not be Featured, we recommend editing it in a manner that makes it more relevant, alluring, useful. Within reasonable bounds, we also recommend promoting it on social networks on which you are active. After you edit your article, it will once again be evaluated by our Quality Assessment Process, and should it meet our criteria for quality and traffic, it will become Featured. How can I tell HubPages that an article deserves to be Featured If you have an article that you really think should be re-considered to be Featured, simply edit it to improve its quality and potential to engage with readers. Once edited, your article will re-enter the Quality Assessment Process (and thus be re-considered). If an article you published or edited does not get Featured after going through the Quality Assessment Process but is of extremely high quality, something may have gone wrong. If this happens to you, please let us know about the problem by filling out this form . Is it possible that an average article may not be Featured for quality reasons Because we want to highlight original, in-depth, useful, media-rich content on HubPages, some articles that are of average quality may not be Featured. Articles that do not meet our minimum thresholds for substance, organization, and grammar and mechanics (as determined through ratings submitted through the Hub Hopper) can certainly be improved upon to a point at which their quality ratings improve and they do become Featured. For ideas on how to turn an average article into an exceptional one, we recommend hopping some Hubs to get an idea of the criteria used by those evaluating your own writing, as well as reading our Learning Center entry on How to Improve the Quality of a Hub . How much traffic is needed to stay Featured You article needs to have some search traffic to stay Featured. The amount of traffic it needs and the length of time it has to accrue that traffic is determined by your Hubber Score. Articles written by Hubbers with very high Hubber Scores will have up to a few years. Those with lower Hubber Scores may have as little as one month (were talking pretty low Hubber Scores in that case). New Hubbers are given a generous grace period, even if they have relatively low Hubber Scores, as we acknowledge that it can take time for new Hubbers to get their bearings and for their Hubber Scores to normalize. My article was unpublished for not meeting quality standards. What do I do Your article was unpublished because you are still in Boot Camp. To pass Boot Camp and avoid having your work unpublished for not meeting HubPages minimum quality standards, Hubbers need to earn the five Featured Hubs Accolade . To earn the Five Featured Hubs Accolade, improve your unpublished articles and turn them into Featured material. Once you have published five Featured Hubs, subsequently-published articles that do not get sufficient quality ratings to be Featured will remain published, but will not be Featured. Youll also receive an Accolade for every five, 10, 25, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 5,000 Hubs that you publish. What Is Boot Camp Boot Camp is a program that all new Hubbers must go through in order to learn about our quality standards. To graduate from Boot Camp, one must publish at least five Featured Hubs. Until Hubbers graduate from Boot Camp, articles that they published that do not pass the Quality Assessment Process will become unpublished. Boot Camp grads will earn a Featured Hub Accolade and all of their future articles that dont pass the QAP will remain published (and simply not be Featured). How does HubPages define spam An article might not be Featured because it is pure spam (e. g. spun) or contains spammy elements . When we think of spammy elements, we think of three broad categories: links, Amazon products, and text. Articles should be written for readers, not for search engines or backlinks. Even an article that appears high-quality on the surface can still be considered spam. Links that are definitely spammy: Misleading or keyword-rich anchor text (e. g. We only employ the most qualified and experienced Locksmith Dallas .) Links to pages that are not related to the subject matter of the article Links to pages that contain information that is substantially similar to whats in the article itself Links to pages with window confirmation boxes that interfere with site navigation or redirect users to unwanted websites Links that may be spammy: Links to lead form pages or otherwise thin pages that dont offer real information Links to pages that require plug ins or applications Links with reference codes (affiliate links) Links that promote a business affiliate links and links to lead form pages are not spammy if they go to high-quality sites, are directly related to the subject-matter of the article, and benefit the reader. In general, product-oriented articles are considered spammy unless : Product(s) are directly relevant and not excessive If the article is about the product(s), then it provides significant, useful information or opinion about the products beyond what could be found on Amazons (or other sellers or manufacturers) web site If the article recommends a particular product, then the recommendation seems genuine, trustworthy, and unbiased If the products were removed from the article, the remaining content would likely satisfy the reader Text elements of an article can be considered spammy even if there are no links or products. Here are some examples of spammy text: Repetitive keywords (especially when bolded or italicized) Plain text URLs that promote a business Otherwise excessive promotion of a business or product permalinkWhat is the criteria for Featured Hubs All of the following points must be true for a new article to be Featured : The author appears well intentioned and not purely motivated by potential earnings. The article provides original information or content (including media), original reporting, original research, or original analysis. The article has presentable grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation (a 7 or above on the QAP grammar and mechanics scale). It may have a score of 6 for grammar if the content is unique or exceptional (i. e. the author went above and beyond). The article content delivers what the title promises. Clever titles are fine for some opinion pieces, creative writing, entertainment content, and social commentary, but other types of articles should have titles that make it clear what they are about. Supplementary elements in the article (e. g. links, media, products, etc) are relevant, complement the content, and improve the reader experience. Links in lists (created with Link or Text Capsules) are carefully chosen and not excessive. The article is trustworthy. When relevant, it appears to be written by an expert or authority in their field. The article is substantial, with helpful specifics. Additional Criteria for Specific Topics : Controversial Topics: these are fine, but articles on topics that are inherently spammy (e. g. miracle health claims, weight loss scams, pay-to content) will not be Featured. Medical, Finance, Law, and any other topic that may have an impact on a persons well-being: an article that offers advice on one of these topics should meet all of the bullet points above AND: Have top-notch grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Have enough expertise to be authoritative and trustworthy on the topic. Provide unique, expert insight and not merely reword information found on other websites. permalinkWorking for HubPages on Mechanical Turk Who can work for HubPages on Mechanical Turk, and how much can they earn Workers in the United States over the age of 18 are eligible to work for HubPages on Mechanical Turk. Workers can receive payment for their work directly or via Amazon gift certificate. See the How do I get paid section of the Mechanical Turk FAQ for more information. Very accurate raters on Mechanical Turk can earn up to 10-12 per hour. Less accurate raters earn less. We provide feedback to help workers improve along the way. Workers can work as much or as little as they want, whenever they want. (We do have a cap on the amount of work that a worker can do, but it affects very few people.) How do I create an account on Mechanical Turk There are a couple of steps you need to complete before you can take the qualification test and begin rating articles. Create a Mechanical Turk worker account. You may use an existing Amazon account if you have one. Amazon will send you an email once your registration is complete. This might take a couple of days. In order to be paid for work you do on Mechanical Turk, you need to have an Amazon Payments account. It might be a good idea to create an Amazon Payments account while you wait for your Mechanical Turk worker account to be approved. permalinkHow do I become qualified to get paid to rate articles Create a Mechanical Turk worker account if you dont already have one. You might need to wait a few days to be approved. Locate our screening test HITs. (A HIT is a Human Intelligence Task.) If there are no screening test HITs available, or the HITs run out while you are taking the test, then that means that too many people have already taken the test today, and so you should return another day to start (or finish) the test. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we only have a limited number of spots available each day. Before you begin the test, you will need to get our rating accuracy qualification. Click on the title of the screening test (ldquoRate an online article (required screening test)rdquo). You should see a link next to the phrase ldquoOnline article rating accuracy is less than 100rdquo that says ldquoTake Qualification test. rdquo Click on that link, click the continue button on the next page, and follow the instructions on the page after that. (The instructions merely tell you to locate the FAQ, which you have already done) Go to the screening test and complete all 15 available HITs. We suggest reading the rest of this FAQ before beginning the screening test. Do not return or skip any of the HITs. Once you accept a HIT, you must complete it without leaving the page, so be careful if you check the box that causes you to automatically accept the next HIT. The test will take about an hour or less, and you can take breaks. Within half an hour of completing the HITs, you should receive an email telling you whether you passed the test. You will receive a 3 bonus if you pass. Unfortunately, if you do not pass the test, there is no way to retake it, so make sure that you do your best on your first try If you passed the screening test in step 3, go to our regular rating HITs. Click on the title of our HITs (ldquoRate an online article (adult content rare but possible)rdquo) and make sure that you have an Adult Content Qualification of 1. If you do not, then click the link and you will be taken to an agreement to certify that you are over 18. Then return to our regular HITs and you can begin rating. For every 10 HITs that you complete, you will receive a bonus depending on your accuracy. permalinkWhat is your HIT rejection policy We never reject work that is completed honestly. In particular, we will accept all screening test HITs regardless of whether you pass the test. Where can I see examples of good ratings Here are some examples of articles that have already been rated: Bill Gates is a tight wad - substance: 1, organization: 2, grammar and mechanics: 2 Chevys Best Mexican Food For Your Money - substance: 3, organization: 4, grammar and mechanics: 4 Review and Summary of On The Waterfront - substance: 5, organization: 5, grammar and mechanics: 6 How to Identify Bed Bugs in New York Hotel Rooms - substance: 2, organization: 3, grammar and mechanics: 1. Note that this articles ratings are low because the poor grammar and mechanics greatly interfere with understanding the substance (much of the article is gibberish ). Low Ratings: Articles with Spammy Elements Animal Masks - substance: 4, organization: 5, grammar and mechanics: 8. This article has a high grammar and mechanics score because it is well-written. However, its substance and organization ratings are low because the content in the article is mostly fluff, and there are an excessive number of Amazon ads. Gifts for Men - substance: 5, organization: 5, grammar and mechanics: 7. This article is fairly well-written but its substance and organization scores are low because the content is mostly a regurgitation of information found on Amazon. Top 4 Doctor Who Gifts for the Whovian in Your Life - substance: 6, organization: 5, grammar and mechanics: 7. This article is an example of high-quality spam (high-quality spam should receive no higher than a 6 for substance and organization). It is decently written but much of the content (e. g. the reviews, the product descriptions) is stolen, word for word, from Amazon. How is my accuracy score determined We have a special panel of staff members who carefully read and rate articles. Your score is intended to be a measure of how similar your ratings are to our panels ratings. Occasionally, we will give you an article to rate that has either already been rated by our panel, or already rated by several trusted Turkers who agreed on a rating. We assess you based on how you rate these articles. We combine your ratings on the three different scales into one overall rating, where substance (or style amp voice) is given more weight than the other two scales. It is the overall rating that we use when we assess your accuracy, so it is particularly important to get substance (or style amp voice) right. One really big mistake is enough to hurt your accuracy significantly, so it is important not to become careless or rushed. However, over time, earlier mistakes are forgotten by our system, so you are not penalized for a mistake forever. The more HITs you have done since a particular mistake, the less impact that mistake has on your accuracy. Eventually, a mistake is forgotten entirely. Another factor that we consider is the distribution of your ratings. Our ideal rater doesnt give very similar ratings all of the time (e. g. nearly always 5s and 6s) nor does she give very extreme ratings (1s and 10s) frequently. If the distribution of your ratings is hurting your accuracy, you will see a message about it within the HITs. It might say, for example, that you are rating bad articles too high. Some Turkers have told us that their ratings start to become too similar to each other if they have been working on our HITs for too long due to fatigue. If this is you, consider taking a break. You may contact us through Mechanical Turk if you are having difficulty sorting out this issue. I rated carefully, but I didnt pass the test. What did I do wrong Since ratings are a matter of opinion, theres really no such thing as right and wrong. However, since we need to maintain a consistent standard for the benefit of our authors, were forced to find people who all rate very similarly to our panel. No one should feel bad about not passing the test. Most people who take the test do not pass. Can I retake the screening test No, we do not have a way for you (or anyone) to retake the test at this time. Will my accuracy score change Yes, your accuracy score will update from time to time as you rate more articles. If I passed the test, is it possible for me to lose the ability to work on your HITs Yes. If your accuracy falls low enough for long enough, you will lose the qualification needed to work on our HITs. However, we give you an opportunity to make up for mistakes. We will show you a warning if you are in danger of losing the qualification. What does HubPages do with the ratings Ratings are one source of information that we use to determine which articles to feature prominently on HubPages. How big of a bonus can I expect to get Bonuses are based on your accuracy score. Please see our chart of example bonuses. Does the amount of time I spend rating affect my accuracy and bonus No, the amount of time that you spend is not taken into account when calculating your accuracy. However, if you are not reading the entire article on each HIT, then you are likely to make mistakes that will adversely impact your accuracy. Why can a 1 difference in accuracy change my bonus so much The percentage accuracy is not intuitive because it is not linear. In a sense, there is a bigger difference between 92 and 93 than there is between 82 and 83. You can think of it as a hill that gets steeper the higher you climb. The bonus reflects that. How can I possibly give the correct ratings when there are 10 x 10 x 10 1000 possibilities on every article Your accuracy isnt the percentage of ratings that you got right, its a measure of how similar your ratings are to our panels ratings. If you are consistently off by no more than one to two points on most of your ratings, then we will consider you to be very accurate and you will receive the highest bonus tier. Is it really possible to be 94 accurate Yes, there are people who are capable of consistently maintaining that level of accuracy. It usually takes some practice to get that good, though. Why did my accuracy take a sudden plunge This generally indicates that you made a large mistake according to our rating standard. If you are not carefully reading the whole article before you rate, then it is likely that you made one or more large errors as a result. Please do not complain to us that your accuracy fell if you have not been reading the entire article. If, however, you have been reading the whole article before rating and feel that we have made a mistake, then you are welcome to contact us through Mechanical Turk and we will investigate. A less common reason why accuracies sometimes drop is if your ratings have become too similar to each other. (For example, if you give almost everything a 5 or a 6.) If that is the case, then you should see a message informing you of this fact within the HITs. Sometimes a rater will start to give many similar ratings if he or she is fatigued, so consider taking a break if this happens to you. Why is there a limit of 100 HITs per day There is a daily limit for a few reasons. One reason is that we prefer to get a variety of opinions on the articles, and dont want any one person to dominate our pool of ratings too much. A second reason is that we feel there is a limit to the number of HITs that a person can do in one day without becoming overtired and careless. The third reason is that we have a limited number of articles for which we know the correct ratings. We use the articles with known ratings to assess your accuracy, and it would be difficult to accurately assess a rater who did more than 100 HITs per day for us. If you do at least 100 HITs in the same day, then we might temporarily revoke your qualification. Your qualification will be returned to you automatically just after midnight Pacific time. If your qualification is not returned to you as expected, then please contact us via Mechanical Turk. Are the three scales (Substance, Organization, Grammar) explained in more detail anywhere You can take a look at this chart for a more detailed explanation of the scales for informational writing. For a more detailed explanation of the scales for creative writing, please visit this chart . Do I actually have to read the whole article Sometimes an article is not the same quality throughout, which is one reason why it is important to read the whole thing. Another reason is that its difficult to rate the substance of an article if you arent aware of exactly what information it provides. If you choose not to read the whole article, you run the risk of giving the article an incorrect rating, which will hurt your accuracy and your ability to earn. Its also possible that you could lose the ability to work on our HITs if you do not read thoroughly enough. Therefore, we advise you to read the whole article. I have found an article that contains gibberish. How should I rate it If an article contains many nonsensical sentences, then it might be the product of an auto-translator or article spinning tool. Such an article should receive no higher than a 2 on grammar and mechanics, and its substance score should also be heavily penalized. Here is an example of the kind of gibberish that we mean: ldquoBefore tabulation a hotel in New York City, by use of are several resources you can pock to see whether or consequence bed bugs will be an essential matter. rdquo If an article has several gibberish words or phrases. it should receive no higher than a 2 on both substance and grammarmechanics, and no higher than a 4 on organization. If I dont like an article because Im not interested in the topic, or I disagree with the author, what should I do Try not to let your personal feelings about the topic interfere with giving a fair rating. How do I decide if an article is creative writing When deciding whether an article is creative writing, try asking yourself these questions: Is the primary purpose of the article to provide useful information, particularly of the sort that someone might want to find through a search engine like Google If yes, then it is not creative writing. If no, then perhaps it is creative writing. Which set of rating scales feels more appropriate for the article, the default one, or the one that appears when you check the creative writing box If you have trouble deciding whether something is creative writing, err on the side of not checking the creative writing box, but poetry and fiction should always be marked as creative writing. Articles that are primarily humorous rather than informative should also be marked as creative writing. Just because an article says that it is in the creative writing or humor topic area (as indicated immediately below the title), that doesnt necessarily mean that it has been categorized correctly. If you feel that an article does not belong in the topic that it is listed under, please report the article as Deceptive or Miscategorized using the report link to the right of the HubPages logo. Are British spellings of words considered errors No, both British and American English are acceptable. How should I rate an article that is made up almost entirely of photos It would be very difficult for an article composed almost entirely of photos to be rated higher than a 6 for substance or style. It might be as low as a 1 or a 2 if the images were randomly chosen and poor quality with no cohesive theme, but could be much higher if the photos are very high quality and original. Wed expect to see significant writing to go along with the photos in order for an article to reach the higher end of the scale (8, 9, 10) for substance or style. How often should I give ratings of 1s or 10s Very infrequently. Our official panel of raters has yet to identify an article that deserves all 10s, so the standard for a 10 is very high. Similarly, it is rare that an article deserves all 1s (but it does happen). In practice, most ratings are in the 3-8 range. Are videos and photos included in Substance or Organization Both. Photos and videos contribute to substance based on the value they are providing, while their contribution to organization has more to do with aesthetics and overall layout. Photos are considered more valuable if they are original photos (taken by the author) if it is clear that a photo does not belong to the author, it helps if the image is properly attributed (e. g. it names the source, owner, and license). How should I rate grammar and mechanics if there are few words in the article Because its not possible to demonstrate a good command of English if there is very little content, the grammar and mechanics score should be no higher than about a 6 even if there are no errors for articles that are less than 150 words. Is the substance score essentially related to how long the article is No. Although it would be difficult to get a very high substance score on a very short article, we are more interested in the depth and quality of the information provided than the number of words. A very long article that consists of fluff should not get a high substance score. If the article is missing subtitles, should it be rated low The organization score would be lower for such an article, although if it were creative writing then you would not expect there to be subtitles necessarily. How should links in the article factor into my ratings Links are an important consideration. If the links are not relevant, then that could affect both substance and organization negatively. If they are relevant, then the question becomes whether they distract the reader from the content. If the links distract the reader, then thats a problem and organization could get dinged. Can an article with no photos get a high rating if the writing is good Yes, it is possible. However, we would typically expect to see elements beyond words (polls, tables, quizzes, maps, photos, or videos) in order for an article to get a score of 8 or higher in substance and organization. How should I rate an article that is only a list As is the case with any article you rate for HubPages, you should look for original content. If there is original content (such as an introduction andor conclusion, brief descriptions of the items in the list, accompanying photos or other elements), the article might receive a substance rating of 6 or higher. Lets assume you are rating a list without any original content. Substance . It is difficult to develop a message or argument without complete sentences or paragraphs. These articles should be rated no higher than a 5 for substance. Organisation . A list article may have a suitable title and deliver on it. It may be visually average. A list is a logical organization of thoughts, however the effort to create a list is pretty minimal, so these articles should be rated no higher than a 6 for organization. Grammar . A high grammar score means more than the absence of errors (which is common in list articles). It is difficult to demonstrate a good command of the English language without using complete sentences. Often times the author does not even choose the words in the list (such as The Best Songs of 2010) so one cannot assess word choice. These articles should receive no higher than a 5 for grammar. permalinkDoes a recipe article have to have a photo Although a terrific recipe should contain one or more original photos, it would be possible for a recipe without a photo to receive a substance rating of up to 7 if it provides additional insights and is not just a list of instructions. Are all three rating scales equally important when judging my accuracy All three scales are taken into account, but the first one (substance or style) is the most important. What if I still have trouble rating an article Below are some ideas for questions to ask yourself when rating. Substance . Is there a discernible message for the reader Is the message well explained andor argued Does the article show effort How much effort Was it done to the best of the authors ability Is there additional media present (anything beyond text) that enhances reader engagement Would you recommend the article to a friend, family member, or colleague How does the article compare to other material that might exist on the topic elsewhere on the internet Organization . Is the layout of the page visually attractive Do the title and content match Are the subheadings (if present) relevant and useful Are all of the pieces of the article (photos, text, video, products, table) relevant and do they help explain the authors message Grammar and Mechanics . Is this piece grammatically sound How noticeable and frequent are errors in mechanics Are the sentences well structured Style (if creative writing) . Is the article novel or cliche Does it have artistic value Is it engaging for the reader Does the article show effort How much effort Was it done to the best of the authors ability Is there additional media present (anything beyond text) that enhances reader engagement Would you recommend the article to a friend, family member, or colleague permalinkHow do I report an article Use the report link that is located above the rating scales. How should I rate an article that isnt written in English We would like you to report the article as Not written in English and give it ratings of all 1s. I found an article that is is categorized in the wrong topic area. What should I do Please report the article as Deceptive or Miscategorized. Ignore the miscategorization when rating. I found an article that contains violent or sexual imagery. What should I do Please report the article as Adult or Mature. Either rate the article as you normally would, or return the HIT if you would rather not rate it. I found an article that is purely spam and provides no value to the reader. What should I do Please report the article as Overly Promotional and then rate it as you normally would (which means giving the article a low substance score). May I return HITs that I dont know how to rate We strongly discourage returning HITs. The best way to learn to rate better is to rate the articles that you arent sure about so that you can get feedback about them. You may also email us via Mechanical Turk about particular articles that you have questions about, but please make sure to give us the full title of the article if you do so. The only case where we would like you to return a HIT is if you find the content of the article too disturbing to rate due to adult or violent content, in which case we ask that you please report the article before returning the HIT. You may choose to rate the article if you wish, though. I passed the qualification test, so why are there no HITs available for me to work on Sometimes when the demand for our HITs exceeds the supply, there can be few or no HITs available to work on. There may be more HITs available at certain times of day or on certain days of the week compared to other times. We also tend to have more work available near the beginning of each calendar month. We usually create new HITs every 15 minutes but they can be snapped up quickly at times. How should I rate an article with broken links or missing videos It is usually most appropriate to subtract substance rating points if an article contains broken links or videos, but sometimes the organization rating should be reduced as well. The more broken links andor videos there are, the more points should be subtracted, roughly according to how much negative effect the broken content has on the reader. If, for example, there is just one broken link in an otherwise good article, subtracting points isnt necessary. An extreme case would be an article that is primarily a list of links or videos, where many of the links or videos are broken or missing. In such a case, you might rightly subtract up to three points from the articles substance rating, and perhaps a couple of points from organization as well. Grammar mechanics ratings should not be affected by broken links or missing videos. What are impressions As it relates to online advertising revenue (and the Ad Program), an impression typically means an ad impression, and occurs whenever an ad appears on an article and is presumably seen by a visitor. With regards to your Ad Program reports, you are paid based on page impressions, which are article views. Each page impression can include up to 4 individual ad impressions, depending on: whether ads are turned on, the length of the article, and whether a given location has time to show an ad in case the viewer navigates away from the article. The CPM for an individual is determined based on the value of individual impressions based on traffic characteristics. What does CPM mean One of the online advertising payment models. The acronym means cost per mille, and advertisers pay for every 1000 impressions of their advertisement. This is a dynamic number based on what advertisers are willing to pay to show their advertisement on a specific page at any given time. How do I sign up for Google AdSense Getting signed up with Google AdSense is easy. Please follow these step-by-step instructions (also includes a troubleshooting section if youre running into problems). NOTE: If you are applying to Google AdSense for the first time. we recommend postponing your application until you have at least ten high quality articles published (that is, ten articles with over 700 words each that are well-written, useful, attractive, and entirely original). We have found that Hubbers who have fewer articles, or just have a small collection of very short ones (even very good ones), are sometimes declined for having insufficient content. This is not always the case, but it is better to be safe than sorry I am a first time Google AdSense applicant. What should I be aware of before applying If you are applying for a Google AdSense account for the first time, we recommend waiting until: You have at least ten, highndashquality articles published. More content is usually better and longer, more in-depth articles are preferable to a bunch of short ones. You have a complete HubPages Profile, including a photo, short bio, and some Featured Hubs on display. You have been actively publishing for a period of at least six months (for applicants outside of the US, Canada, and UK). Applicants from outside of the US are more successful applying with more content on average than applicants inside the US. If you accidentally applied too early and your application was disapproved, please wait until the above conditions are met before applying again . Weve found that users who apply multiple times in succession hurt their chances at approval. Your best bet is to wait a few months before applying again, and in that time focus on publishing new content and refining your existing work. If you believe that your application was unjustly disapproved, please do not contact us. Instead, visit the Google AdSense Help Center section on Application Issues . How long does it take Google AdSense to process an application It can take weeks or even months before you hear back from Google AdSense regarding the status of your application. If you applied via HubPages, you can check the status of your application in My Account Earnings Settings. Once you have submitted an application, double check that you verified your email address with Google. What should I do if my Google AdSense application was disapproved If your Google AdSense application was disapproved, please wait before applying again. Start out by consulting the rejection email sent to you by Google. It will give you instructions to fix whatever issue caused the disapproval and give you instructions on how to reapply. If the email does not answer your question, try using the Disapproved application troubleshooter on the AdSense site to figure out why your application was disapproved. If you are a first time Google AdSense applicant, please read these guidelines before applying again. How do I check if I successfully linked my Google AdSense account to my HubPages account In My Account Earnings. you can check the status of each of your affiliate accounts. If your status is Active, then you have successfully linked your account to HubPages. Can I use my Google AdSense id outside of HubPages If you sign up for Google AdSense through HubPages and would like to show ads on your personal blog or other website, you will need to complete a one-time additional application via your AdSense account. Once approved, you can place the AdSense ad code on any website you own. Regardless of the outcome of this application, ad serving on your HubPages articles will remain unaffected. This change only affects new users (who signed up after November 5th 2012) and will not impose any limit to existing users. If you have any additional questions, please visit the AdSense Help Center . How do I track the performance of Google AdSense on HubPages The easiest way to keep track of your Google AdSense earnings on HubPages is to visit your revenue report on the Google AdSense site. Bitte beachten Sie . if you are participating in the HubPages Ad Program, your articless will have only one direct AdSense ad location (for which revenue will be reported on the Google AdSense site). The majority of your Ad Program earnings will be reported in My Account Earnings Earnings Reports . Why doesnt my AdSense account information match the HubPages stats for an article HubPages stats are designed to show a rolling 24 hours period for the current day, but AdSense defines a day differently. Your AdSense account information is not not going to match up with HubPages directly as the day views dont line up. Can I earn money on HubPages without an AdSense account Please take a look at the complete list of requirements for each program available through the HubPages Earnings Program. Even if you do not have a Google AdSense account, you can still earn money from winning contests . You can also apply for an Amazon Associates account to earn directly from Amazon. Why are there AdSense ads on my articles when my account has not been approved If your Google AdSense application was disapproved, the AdSense ads on your articles are being shown on HubPages share of impressions to help support the site. You do have the option of turning ads off all together (on all impressions). How do I associate an existing Google AdSense account with HubPages To associate your existing AdSense account with HubPages: Sign in to your HubPages account Go to My Account Earnings Settings Google AdSense Settings Select Yes. Enter the email address linked to your existing Google AdSense account Enter the postal code and last 5 digits of your phone number (the same ones you have saved in your AdSense account) Click Link my Accounts Follow any instructions you get by email from Google AdSense permalinkHelp I cant remember the email address, zip code, or phone number I used when creating my Google AdSense account. If you are able to sign in to your Google AdSense account, you can find your current address and phone number settings on the Account Settings page. If you cant sign in, there isnt anything we can do to help. You can find more information about Google AdSense sign in problems in the AdSense Help Center. Please note that each person is allowed to have only one Google AdSense account, so if you forgot your login information we do not recommend signing up for a new account. I am having trouble associating my Google AdSense account with HubPages. You may have forgotten to grant access to HubPages in your AdSense account. Follow these steps to complete your association: Login to your AdSense account Click on the My Account tab Click Account Access Click the Grant Access link next to hubpages Within 24 hours, your status should change to Active on HubPages. Can I have multiple Google AdSense accounts No. It is against Google AdSenses terms of use to have more than one AdSense account. If you want to change the log in information for your AdSense account, or add more sites to an existing AdSense account, please see the related AdSense help section . Note: You may use the same AdSense account for more than one HubPages account. How can I remove my Google AdSense ID from my account If you wish to remove your Google AdSense ID from your HubPages account, send us a request to that effect. Please note: this will not disable Google AdSense ads from being displayed on your articles. How can I contact HubPages as a member of the press to conduct an interview Should you wish to interview a member of the HubPages staff, please contact us. Someone will help you arrange for a phone, email, or in-person interview with the HubPages team member of your choice. If you are trying to reach an individual Hubber for an interview, please contact him or her directly. You can do so by navigating to their Profile Pages (by clicking on their name from an article they have authored), clicking on the Fan Mail tab to the right of their Profile, and clicking on the Send Hubbers Username an email link. How can I contact HubPages as a member of the press to get more information about the site To get more information on HubPages features, stats, community, projects, and policies for a news story, please contact us . You might also visit our About Us and Team pages, as well as the HubPages Blog and Newsletter archive to learn more about our site, community, and staff. How can I contact a member of the HubPages staff Each member of the HubPages team has a HubPages Profile. By searching his or her name on the site, you can find a particular team members Profile and contact him or her (should the option be made available) through the Send Username an email link, which is made available by clicking on the Fan Mail tab. NOTE: Should you email a HubPages staff member directly, you may not get an email response, as most staff members are overloaded with emails. Though we love hearing from you, we prefer that you utilize our fabulous, vibrant community to get answers and advice, hence posting in the Forums is the best way to go. HubPages team members review initial posts in all HubPages Official Forums, so if you post in the Forums, rest assured there is a high likelihood that one of us will chime in if we think we can help. How can I contact HubPages to discuss advertising Should you wish to discuss advertising or sales with a member of the HubPages staff, please contact us. If you are trying to reach an individual user to discuss advertising on their Hubs, please do not contact them directly. The ads on HubPages are controlled by the admin staff, not individual users. Copyright copy 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages reg is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

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